Lorenzo Orecchia
Lorenzo Orecchia
University of Chicago, Computer Science
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Linear coupling: An ultimate unification of gradient and mirror descent
Z Allen-Zhu, L Orecchia
arXiv preprint arXiv:1407.1537, 2014
An almost-linear-time algorithm for approximate max flow in undirected graphs, and its multicommodity generalizations
JA Kelner, YT Lee, L Orecchia, A Sidford
Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2014
A simple, combinatorial algorithm for solving SDD systems in nearly-linear time
JA Kelner, L Orecchia, A Sidford, ZA Zhu
Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2013
A local spectral method for graphs: With applications to improving graph partitions and exploring data graphs locally
MW Mahoney, L Orecchia, NK Vishnoi
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 13 (1), 2339-2365, 2012
Approximating the exponential, the lanczos method and an Õ(m)-time spectral algorithm for balanced separator
L Orecchia, S Sachdeva, NK Vishnoi
Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2012
Spectral sparsification and regret minimization beyond matrix multiplicative updates
Z Allen-Zhu, Z Liao, L Orecchia
Proceedings of the forty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2015
Flow-based algorithms for local graph clustering
L Orecchia, ZA Zhu
Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2014
The approximate duality gap technique: A unified theory of first-order methods
J Diakonikolas, L Orecchia
SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (1), 660-689, 2019
On acceleration with noise-corrupted gradients
M Cohen, J Diakonikolas, L Orecchia
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1019-1028, 2018
On partitioning graphs via single commodity flows
L Orecchia, LJ Schulman, UV Vazirani, NK Vishnoi
Proceedings of the fortieth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, 461-470, 2008
Using optimization to obtain a width-independent, parallel, simpler, and faster positive SDP solver
Z Allen-Zhu, YT Lee, L Orecchia
Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2016
Nearly-linear time positive LP solver with faster convergence rate
Z Allen-Zhu, L Orecchia
Proceedings of the forty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing …, 2015
Localized techniques for broadcasting in wireless sensor networks
L Orecchia, A Panconesi, C Petrioli, A Vitaletti
Proceedings of the 2004 joint workshop on Foundations of mobile computing, 41-51, 2004
Accelerated extra-gradient descent: A novel accelerated first-order method
J Diakonikolas, L Orecchia
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.04680, 2017
Using optimization to break the epsilon barrier: A faster and simpler width-independent algorithm for solving positive linear programs in parallel
Z Allen-Zhu, L Orecchia
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2014
Towards an SDP-based Approach to Spectral Methods: A Nearly-Linear-Time Algorithm for Graph Partitioning and Decomposition
L Orecchia, NK Vishnoi
Proceedings of the twenty-second annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2011
Implementing regularization implicitly via approximate eigenvector computation
MW Mahoney, L Orecchia
arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.0703, 2010
Alternating randomized block coordinate descent
J Diakonikolas, L Orecchia
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1224-1232, 2018
Nearly linear-time packing and covering lp solvers: Achieving width-independence and-convergence
Z Allen-Zhu, L Orecchia
Mathematical Programming 175, 307-353, 2019
Coding properties of Oxytricha trifallax (Sterkiella histriomuscorum) macronuclear chromosomes: analysis of a pilot genome project
ARO Cavalcanti, NA Stover, L Orecchia, TG Doak, LF Landweber
Chromosoma 113, 69-76, 2004
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Articles 1–20