Thomas DC Little
Thomas DC Little
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University
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Cited by
A mobility based metric for clustering in mobile ad hoc networks
P Basu, N Khan, TDC Little
Proceedings 21st international conference on distributed computing systems …, 2001
Synchronization and storage models for multimedia objects
TDC Little, A Ghafoor
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 8 (3), 413-427, 1990
Coexistence of WiFi and LiFi toward 5G: concepts, opportunities, and challenges
M Ayyash, H Elgala, A Khreishah, V Jungnickel, T Little, S Shao, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 54 (2), 64-71, 2016
Prospects for Interactive Video-on-Demand
TDC Little, D Venkatesh
Interval-based conceptual models for time-dependent multimedia data
TDC Little, A Ghafoor
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 5 (4), 551-563, 1993
Multimedia synchronization protocols for broadband integrated services
TDC Little, A Ghafoor
IEEE Journal on selected Areas in Communications 9 (9), 1368-1382, 1991
An information propagation scheme for VANETs
TDC Little, A Agarwal
Proc. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems, 155-160, 2005
A Survey of Technologies for Parsing and Indexing Digital Video
G Ahanger, TDC Little
Journal of visual Communication and image representation 7 (1), 28-43, 1996
A hybrid radio frequency and broadcast visible light communication system
MB Rahaim, AM Vegni, TDC Little
2011 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps), 792-796, 2011
Visible light communications: demand factors, benefits and opportunities [Guest Editorial]
N Chi, H Haas, M Kavehrad, TDC Little, XL Huang
Wireless Communications, IEEE 22 (2), 5-7, 2015
Impact of lighting requirements on VLC systems
J Gancarz, H Elgala, TDC Little
IEEE Communications Magazine 51 (12), 34-41, 2013
A digital on-demand video service supporting content-based queries
TDC Little, G Ahanger, RJ Folz, JF Gibbon, FW Reeve, DH Schelleng, ...
Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on Multimedia, 427-436, 1993
Network considerations for distributed multimedia object composition and communication
TDC Little, A Ghafoor
IEEE Network 4 (6), 32-40, 1990
Spatio-temporal composition of distributed multimedia objects for value-added networks
TDC Little, A Ghafoor
Computer 24 (10), 42-50, 1991
Popularity-based assignment of movies to storage devices in a video-on-demand system
TDC Little, D Venkatesh
Multimedia Systems 2, 280-287, 1995
Design and analysis of a visible-light-communication enhanced WiFi system
S Shao, A Khreishah, M Ayyash, MB Rahaim, H Elgala, V Jungnickel, ...
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 7 (10), 960-973, 2015
A temporal reference framework for multimedia synchronization
MJ Perez-Luque, TDC Little
IEEE Journal on selected Areas in Communications 14 (1), 36-51, 1996
An indoor hybrid WiFi-VLC internet access system
S Shao, A Khreishah, MB Rahaim, H Elgala, M Ayyash, TDC Little, J Wu
2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems …, 2014
Using LED lighting for ubiquitous indoor wireless networking
TDC Little, P Dib, K Shah, N Barraford, B Gallagher
2008 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2008
Reverse polarity optical-OFDM (RPO-OFDM): dimming compatible OFDM for gigabit VLC links
H Elgala, TDC Little
Optics express 21 (20), 24288-24299, 2013
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Articles 1–20