Dandong Yin
Cited by
Cited by
Depicting urban boundaries from a mobility network of spatial interactions: A case study of Great Britain with geo-located Twitter data
J Yin, A Soliman, D Yin, S Wang
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2017
A cyberGIS-enabled multi-criteria spatial decision support system: A case study on flood emergency management
Z Zhang, H Hu, D Yin, S Kashem, R Li, H Cai, D Perkins, S Wang
Social Sensing and Big Data Computing for Disaster Management, 167-184, 2020
A CyberGIS-Jupyter framework for geospatial analytics at scale
D Yin, Y Liu, A Padmanabhan, J Terstriep, J Rush, S Wang
Proceedings of the practice and experience in advanced research computing …, 2017
CyberGIS‐Jupyter for reproducible and scalable geospatial analytics
D Yin, Y Liu, H Hu, J Terstriep, X Hong, A Padmanabhan, S Wang
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 (11), e5040, 2019
A direction-guided ant colony optimization method for extraction of urban road information from very-high-resolution images
D Yin, S Du, S Wang, Z Guo
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2015
ViCTS: A novel network partition algorithm for scalable agent-based modeling of mass evacuation
D Yin, S Wang, Y Ouyang
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 80, 101452, 2020
A CyberGIS approach to spatiotemporally explicit uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis for agent-based modeling of vector-borne disease transmission
JY Kang, J Aldstadt, R Vandewalle, D Yin, S Wang
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 110 (6), 1855-1873, 2020
Integrating CyberGIS-Jupyter and spatial agent-based modelling to evaluate emergency evacuation time
R Vandewalle, JY Kang, D Yin, S Wang
proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL international workshop on GeoSpatial …, 2019
Modeling human activity dynamics: an object-class oriented space–time composite model based on social media and urban infrastructure data
Z Zhang, D Yin, K Virrantaus, X Ye, S Wang
Computational Urban Science 1 (1), 7, 2021
TopoLens: Building a CyberGIS community data service for enhancing the usability of high-resolution national topographic datasets
H Hu, X Hong, J Terstriep, YY Liu, MP Finn, J Rush, J Wendel, S Wang
Proceedings of the XSEDE16 conference on diversity, big data, and science at …, 2016
Reproducible hydrological modeling with CyberGIS-Jupyter: a case study on SUMMA
F Lyu, D Yin, A Padmanabhan, Y Choi, JL Goodall, A Castronova, ...
Proceedings of the practice and experience in advanced research computing on …, 2019
Raw-to-end name entity recognition in social media
L Liu, Z Wang, J Shang, D Yin, H Ji, X Ren, S Wang, J Han
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.05344, 2019
Bridging local cyberinfrastructure and XSEDE with CyberGIS-Jupyter
A Padmanabhan, D Yin, F Lyu, S Wang
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing on …, 2019
HydroShare: A Platform for Collaborative Data and Model Sharing in Hydrology
DG Tarboton, R Idaszak, JS Horsburgh, DP Ames, JL Goodall, A Couch, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 9834, 2018
From Data to Decision with Analytic Frameworks: Presenting Data Errors and Uncertainties for Operational Planning
CR Ehlschlaeger, DA Browne, JA Myers, Natalie R, Burkhalter, C Baxter, ...
Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin 34 (16-3), 44-47, 2016
CyberGIS-enabled reproducible agent-based modeling for scalable emergency evacuation
D Yin
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019
Lowering the barriers to computational modeling of Earth's surface: coupling Jupyter Notebooks with Landlab, HydroShare, and CyberGIS for research and education.
C Bandaragoda, AM Castronova, J Phuong, E Istanbulluoglu, RL Strauch, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, ED32B-06, 2017
Component-wise Interpolation of Solenoidal Vector Fields: A Comparative Numerical Study
D Yin, U Alim
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Articles 1–18