Manish K Nema
Manish K Nema
Scientist at NIH, Roorkee, INDIA
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Application of artificial intelligence to estimate the reference evapotranspiration in sub-humid Doon valley
MK Nema, D Khare, SK Chandniha
Applied Water Science 7, 3903-3910, 2017
Comparative Evaluation of Different Potential Evapotranspiration Estimation Approaches
P Kumar, BR Nikam, MK Nema
Annual Convention of ISAE 46, 27-29, 2012
Effect of foliar spray of urea, KNO3 and NAA on fruiting behaviour of mango cv. 'Langra'.
TR Sharma, PK Niar, MK Nema
Assessment of cloudbursts, extreme rainfall and vulnerable regions in the Upper Ganga basin, Uttarakhand, India
PK Mishra, RJ Thayyen, H Singh, S Das, MK Nema, P Kumar
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 69, 102744, 2022
Understanding future water challenges in a highly regulated Indian river basin—modelling the impact of climate change on the hydrology of the Upper Narmada
N Rickards, T Thomas, A Kaelin, H Houghton-Carr, SK Jain, PK Mishra, ...
Water 12 (6), 1762, 2020
Influence of foliar sprays of urea, KNO3 and NAA on chemical composition of mango cv. Langra.
TR Sharma, PKR Nair, MK Nema
Application of HEC-HMS model for runoff simulation: A case study of Marshyangdi River Basin in Nepal
RC Paudel, K Basnet, B Sherchan
Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2019
Spatio-temporal analysis of rainfall trends in Chhattisgarh State, Central India over the last 115 years
MK Nema, D Khare, J Adamowski, SK Chandniha
Journal of Water and Land Development, 2018
The Indian COSMOS network (ICON): Validating L-band remote sensing and modelled soil moisture data products
DB Upadhyaya, J Evans, S Muddu, SK Tomer, A Al Bitar, S Yeggina, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (3), 537, 2021
Critical zone: an emerging research area for sustainability
PR Pujari, V Jain, V Singh, K Sreelash, S Dhyani, M Nema, P Verma, ...
Current Science 118 (10), 1487, 2020
Constructing the downscale precipitation using ANN model over the Kshipra river basin, Madhya Pradesh
PK Meena, D Khare, MK Nema
Journal of Agrometeorology 18 (1), 113-119, 2016
Morphological and bio-chemical studies of healthy and malformed panicles in different cultivars of mango (Mangifera indica L).
BS Baghel, UL Jaiswal, BK Nema, MK Nema
Development of an empirical model for sub-surface soil moisture estimation and variability assessment in a lesser Himalayan watershed
S Verma, MK Nema
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 8 (3), 3487-3505, 2022
Runoff Estimation from a Small Watershed Using GIUH Approach in GIS Environment
MK Nema, AK Lohani
National symposium on "Water Resources Management in Changing Environment …, 2012
Estimation of evapotranspiration in lesser Himalayas using remote sensing based surface energy balance algorithm
MK Nema, HP Thakur, H Upreti, SK Jain, PK Mishra, RJ Thayyen, ...
Geocarto International 37 (3), 841-859, 2022
Extending a large-scale model to better represent water resources without increasing the model’s complexity
R Horan, NJ Rickards, A Kaelin, HE Baron, T Thomas, VDJ Keller, ...
Water 13 (21), 3067, 2021
Quantification of water footprint of National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi, India
D Chalisgaonkar, SK Jain, MK Nema, PK Mishra
Water Resources Management: Select Proceedings of ICWEES-2016, 151-165, 2018
Block level livelihood vulnerability index of a Himalayan district in Upper Ganga Basin
PK Mishra, H Singh, J Renoj, S Das, MK Nema, P Kumar
25th HYDRO 2020, International Conference, 2021
Virtual Water Imports In Delhi City, India With Reference To Agriculture Sector
D Chalisgaonkar, MK Nema, JPK Mishra
Indian Water Resources Society 38 (4), 2018
Method for identifying optimal influencial paths in a distributed network for transmitting information
AK Nema, MK Nema, MK Pandian, RK Nema, S Soupramaniane, ...
US Patent App. 14/229,424, 2014
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Articles 1–20