Wei Du
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Cited by
A comparative study of two widely used grid-forming droop controls on microgrid small-signal stability
W Du, Z Chen, KP Schneider, RH Lasseter, SP Nandanoori, FK Tuffner, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 8 (2), 963-975, 2019
Modeling of grid-forming and grid-following inverters for dynamic simulation of large-scale distribution systems
W Du, FK Tuffner, KP Schneider, RH Lasseter, J Xie, Z Chen, B Bhattarai
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 36 (4), 2035-2045, 2020
Voltage-source control of PV inverter in a CERTS microgrid
W Du, Q Jiang, MJ Erickson, RH Lasseter
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (4), 1726-1734, 2014
Survivability of autonomous microgrid during overload events
W Du, RH Lasseter, AS Khalsa
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (4), 3515-3524, 2018
Frequency control strategy of distributed generations based on virtual inertia in a microgrid
D Wei, J Qirong, C Jiaorui
Automation of Electric Power Systems 35 (23), 26-31, 2011
Evaluation of inverter-based grid frequency support using frequency-watt and grid-forming PV inverters
ME Elkhatib, W Du, RH Lasseter
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2018
Consensus control for coordinating grid-forming and grid-following inverters in microgrids
A Singhal, TL Vu, W Du
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (5), 4123-4133, 2022
Study of microgrid resilience through co-simulation of power system dynamics and communication systems
PT Mana, KP Schneider, W Du, M Mukherjee, T Hardy, FK Tuffner
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (3), 1905-1915, 2020
Distributed small-signal stability conditions for inverter-based unbalanced microgrids
SP Nandanoori, S Kundu, W Du, FK Tuffner, KP Schneider
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (5), 3981-3990, 2020
Overload mitigation control of droop-controlled grid-forming sources in a microgrid
W Du, RH Lasseter
2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2017
A framework for coordinated self-assembly of networked microgrids using consensus algorithms
KP Schneider, J Glass, C Klauber, B Ollis, MJ Reno, M Burck, L Muhidin, ...
IEEE Access 10, 3864-3878, 2022
Model specification of droop-controlled, grid-forming inverters (GFMDRP_A)
W Du, Y Liu, FK Tuffner, R Huang, Z Huang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2021
Modeling of grid-forming inverters for transient stability simulations of an all inverter-based distribution system
W Du, KP Schneider, FK Tuffner, Z Chen, RH Lasseter
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2019
Comparison of electromagnetic transient and phasor-based simulation for the stability of grid-forming-inverter-based microgrids
W Du, A Singhal, FK Tuffner, KP Schneider
2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2021
Networked microgrid operations: Supporting a resilient electric power infrastructure
KP Schneider, C Miller, S Laval, W Du, D Ton
IEEE Electrification Magazine 8 (4), 70-79, 2020
Studying impacts of communication system performance on dynamic stability of networked microgrid
B Bhattarai, L Marinovici, M Touhiduzzaman, FK Tuffner, KP Schneider, ...
IET Smart Grid 3 (5), 667-676, 2020
Enhancing distribution system resiliency through a novel transactive energy systems framework
BP Bhattarai, J Alam, J Hansen, K Schneider, N Radhakrishnan, ...
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2019
Small signal analysis of multiple oscillation modes in a photovoltaic microgrid
Automation of Electric Power Systems 38 (10), 17-23, 2014
Risk-based dynamic contingency analysis applied to puerto rico electric infrastructure
MA Elizondo, X Fan, SH Davis, BG Vyakaranam, X Ke, EL Barrett, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2020
A supplemental control for dynamic voltage restorers to improve the primary frequency response of microgrids
W Du, KP Schneider, GP Wiegand, FK Tuffner, J Xie, OL Dent
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 14 (2), 878-888, 2022
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Articles 1–20