Chun-Hsu Su
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Cited by
Diamond-based single-photon emitters
I Aharonovich, S Castelletto, DA Simpson, CH Su, AD Greentree, ...
Reports on progress in Physics 74 (7), 076501, 2011
Recent advances in (soil moisture) triple collocation analysis
A Gruber, CH Su, S Zwieback, W Crow, W Dorigo, W Wagner
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 45 …, 2016
Inter-comparison of microwave satellite soil moisture retrievals over the Murrumbidgee Basin, southeast Australia
CH Su, D Ryu, RI Young, AW Western, W Wagner
Remote Sensing of Environment 134, 1-11, 2013
BARRA v1. 0: the Bureau of Meteorology atmospheric high-resolution regional reanalysis for Australia
CH Su, N Eizenberg, P Steinle, D Jakob, P Fox-Hughes, CJ White, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 12 (5), 2049-2068, 2019
Improving operational flood ensemble prediction by the assimilation of satellite soil moisture: comparison between lumped and semi-distributed schemes
C Alvarez-Garreton, D Ryu, AW Western, CH Su, WT Crow, DE Robertson, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (4), 1659-1676, 2015
Improving operational flood ensemble prediction by the assimilation of satellite soil moisture: Comparison between lumped and semi-distributed schemes
C Alvarez-Garreton, D Ryu, AW Western, CH Su, WT Crow, DE Robertson, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (4), 1659-1676, 2015
Improving operational flood ensemble prediction by the assimilation of satellite soil moisture: Comparison between lumped and semi-distributed schemes
C Alvarez-Garreton, D Ryu, AW Western, CH Su, WT Crow, DE Robertson, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (4), 1659-1676, 2015
Beyond triple collocation: Applications to soil moisture monitoring
CH Su, D Ryu, WT Crow, AW Western
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 119 (11), 6419-6439, 2014
Estimating error cross‐correlations in soil moisture data sets using extended collocation analysis
A Gruber, CH Su, WT Crow, S Zwieback, WA Dorigo, W Wagner
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (3), 1208-1219, 2016
Towards a picosecond transform-limited nitrogen-vacancy based single photon source
CH Su, AD Greentree, LCL Hollenberg
Optics express 16 (9), 6240-6250, 2008
Rainfall estimation by inverting SMOS soil moisture estimates: A comparison of different methods over Australia
L Brocca, T Pellarin, WT Crow, L Ciabatta, C Massari, D Ryu, CH Su, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (20), 12,062-12,079, 2016
Homogenization of Structural Breaks in the Global ESA CCI Soil Moisture Multisatellite Climate Data Record
W Preimesberger, T Scanlon, CH Su, A Gruber, W Dorigo
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020
Dual assimilation of satellite soil moisture to improve streamflow prediction in data‐scarce catchments
C Alvarez‐Garreton, D Ryu, AW Western, WT Crow, CH Su, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (7), 5357-5375, 2016
Does AMSR2 produce better soil moisture retrievals than AMSR-E over Australia?
E Cho, CH Su, D Ryu, H Kim, M Choi
Remote Sensing of Environment 188, 95-105, 2017
Reconfigurable quantum metamaterials
JQ Quach, CH Su, AM Martin, AD Greentree, LCL Hollenberg
Optics express 19 (12), 11018-11033, 2011
Characterization of K α spectral profiles for vanadium, component redetermination for scandium, titanium, chromium, and manganese, and development of satellite structure for Z …
CT Chantler, MN Kinnane, CH Su, JA Kimpton
Physical Review A 73 (1), 012508, 2006
Multi-scale analysis of bias correction of soil moisture
CH Su, D Ryu
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (1), 17-31, 2015
High-speed quantum gates with cavity quantum electrodynamics
CH Su, AD Greentree, WJ Munro, K Nemoto, LCL Hollenberg
Physical Review A 78 (6), 062336, 2008
SMOS soil moisture retrievals using the land parameter retrieval model: Evaluation over the Murrumbidgee Catchment, southeast Australia
R van der Schalie, RM Parinussa, LJ Renzullo, A van Dijk, CH Su, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 163, 70-79, 2015
High-performance diamond-based single-photon sources for quantum communication
CH Su, AD Greentree, LCL Hollenberg
Physical Review A 80 (5), 052308, 2009
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Articles 1–20