Quynh Nguyen
Quynh Nguyen
Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Maryland School of Public
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Practical guidance for conducting mediation analysis with multiple mediators using inverse odds ratio weighting
QC Nguyen, TL Osypuk, NM Schmidt, MM Glymour, ...
American journal of epidemiology 181 (5), 349-356, 2015
The role of health insurance in explaining immigrant versus non-immigrant disparities in access to health care: comparing the United States to Canada
A Siddiqi, D Zuberi, QC Nguyen
Social science & medicine 69 (10), 1452-1459, 2009
Exploring US shifts in anti-Asian sentiment with the emergence of COVID-19
TT Nguyen, S Criss, P Dwivedi, D Huang, J Keralis, E Hsu, L Phan, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (19), 7032, 2020
Discordance in national estimates of hypertension among young adults
QC Nguyen, JW Tabor, PP Entzel, Y Lau, C Suchindran, JM Hussey, ...
Epidemiology 22 (4), 532-541, 2011
Building a national neighborhood dataset from geotagged Twitter data for indicators of happiness, diet, and physical activity
QC Nguyen, D Li, HW Meng, S Kath, E Nsoesie, F Li, M Wen
JMIR public health and surveillance 2 (2), e5869, 2016
Progress and push-back: How the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd impacted public discourse on race and racism on Twitter
TT Nguyen, S Criss, EK Michaels, RI Cross, JS Michaels, P Dwivedi, ...
SSM-population health 15, 100922, 2021
Leveraging geotagged Twitter data to examine neighborhood happiness, diet, and physical activity
QC Nguyen, S Kath, HW Meng, D Li, KR Smith, JA VanDerslice, M Wen, ...
Applied Geography 73, 77-88, 2016
Using 164 million google street view images to derive built environment predictors of COVID-19 cases
QC Nguyen, Y Huang, A Kumar, H Duan, JM Keralis, P Dwivedi, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (17), 6359, 2020
Health and the built environment in United States cities: Measuring associations using Google Street View-derived indicators of the built environment
JM Keralis, M Javanmardi, S Khanna, P Dwivedi, D Huang, T Tasdizen, ...
BMC public health 20, 1-10, 2020
Neighbourhood looking glass: 360º automated characterisation of the built environment for neighbourhood effects research
QC Nguyen, M Sajjadi, M McCullough, M Pham, TT Nguyen, W Yu, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 72 (3), 260-266, 2018
Using Google Street View to examine associations between built environment characteristics and US health outcomes
QC Nguyen, S Khanna, P Dwivedi, D Huang, Y Huang, T Tasdizen, ...
Preventive medicine reports 14, 100859, 2019
A cross-national comparative perspective on racial inequities in health: the USA versus Canada
A Siddiqi, QC Nguyen
Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 64 (01), 29-35, 2010
Adolescent expectations of early death predict young adult socioeconomic status
QC Nguyen, JM Hussey, CT Halpern, A Villaveces, SW Marshall, ...
Social Science & Medicine 74 (9), 1452-1460, 2012
Social media indicators of the food environment and state health outcomes
QC Nguyen, H Meng, D Li, S Kath, M McCullough, D Paul, ...
Public health 148, 120-128, 2017
Racial disparities in access to care under conditions of universal coverage
AA Siddiqi, S Wang, K Quinn, QC Nguyen, AD Christy
American Journal of Preventive Medicine 50 (2), 220-225, 2016
Geotagged US tweets as predictors of county-level health outcomes, 2015–2016
QC Nguyen, M McCullough, H Meng, D Paul, D Li, S Kath, G Loomis, ...
American journal of public health 107 (11), 1776-1782, 2017
The effects of passive design on indoor thermal comfort and energy savings for residential buildings in hot climates: A systematic review
M Hu, K Zhang, Q Nguyen, T Tasdizen
Urban Climate 49, 101466, 2023
Twitter-derived neighborhood characteristics associated with obesity and diabetes
QC Nguyen, KD Brunisholz, W Yu, M McCullough, HA Hanson, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 16425, 2017
Twitter-derived measures of sentiment towards minorities (2015–2016) and associations with low birth weight and preterm birth in the United States
TT Nguyen, HW Meng, S Sandeep, M McCullough, W Yu, Y Lau, D Huang, ...
Computers in human behavior 89, 308-315, 2018
National substance use patterns on Twitter
HW Meng, S Kath, D Li, QC Nguyen
PLoS One 12 (11), e0187691, 2017
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Articles 1–20