Karl Kim
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Cited by
Spatial analysis of Honolulu motor vehicle crashes: I. Spatial patterns
N Levine, KE Kim, LH Nitz
Accident Analysis & Prevention 27 (5), 663-674, 1995
Personal and behavioral predictors of automobile crash and injury severity
K Kim, L Nitz, J Richardson, L Li
Accident Analysis & Prevention 27 (4), 469-481, 1995
Spatial analysis of Honolulu motor vehicle crashes: II. Zonal generators
N Levine, KE Kim, LH Nitz
Accident Analysis & Prevention 27 (5), 675-685, 1995
Traffic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic: Statewide analysis of social separation and activity restriction
S Parr, B Wolshon, J Renne, P Murray-Tuite, K Kim
Natural hazards review 21 (3), 04020025, 2020
Influence of land use, population, employment, and economic activity on accidents
K Kim, IM Brunner, EY Yamashita
Transportation research record 1953 (1), 56-64, 2006
East to America: Korean American Life Stories
KE Kim
Korean Studies 21 (1), 148-150, 1997
Impacts of COVID-19 on transportation: Summary and synthesis of interdisciplinary research
K Kim
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 9, 100305, 2021
Modeling fault among accident—Involved pedestrians and motorists in Hawaii
K Kim, IM Brunner, E Yamashita
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (6), 2043-2049, 2008
Daily fluctuations in Honolulu motor vehicle accidents
N Levine, KE Kim, LH Nitz
Accident Analysis & Prevention 27 (6), 785-796, 1995
Using ak‐means clustering algorithm to examine patterns of pedestrian involved crashes in Honolulu, Hawaii
K Kim, EY Yamashita
Journal of advanced transportation 41 (1), 69-89, 2007
Accidents and accessibility: Measuring influences of demographic and land use variables in Honolulu, Hawaii
K Kim, P Pant, E Yamashita
Transportation research record 2147 (1), 9-17, 2010
The theory and practice of building back better
K Kim, RB Olshansky
Journal of the American Planning Association 80 (4), 289-292, 2014
Motor vehicle crashes and land use: empirical analysis from Hawaii
K Kim, E Yamashita
Transportation research record 1784 (1), 73-79, 2002
Learning from Hurricane Maria: Island ports and supply chain resilience
K Kim, L Bui
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 39, 101244, 2019
Measuring influence of accessibility on accident severity with structural equation modeling
K Kim, P Pant, E Yamashita
Transportation research record 2236 (1), 1-10, 2011
Drivers at fault: influences of age, sex, and vehicle type
K Kim, L Li, J Richardson, L Nitz
Journal of Safety Research 29 (3), 171-179, 1998
The location of motor vehicle crashes in Honolulu: a methodology for geocoding intersections
N Levine, KE Kim
Computers, environment and urban systems 22 (6), 557-576, 1998
Integrating travel demand modeling and flood hazard risk analysis for evacuation and sheltering
K Kim, P Pant, E Yamashita
International journal of disaster risk reduction 31, 1177-1186, 2018
Modeling violation of Hawaii's crosswalk law
K Kim, IM Brunner, E Yamashita
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (3), 894-904, 2008
Predictors of safety belt use among crash-involved drivers and front seat passengers: adjusting for over-reporting
L Li, K Kim, L Nitz
Accident Analysis & Prevention 31 (6), 631-638, 1999
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Articles 1–20