Andrew Greentree
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Cited by
Quantum phase transitions of light
AD Greentree, C Tahan, JH Cole, LCL Hollenberg
Nature Physics 2 (12), 856-861, 2006
Room-temperature coherent coupling of single spins in diamond
T Gaebel, M Domhan, I Popa, C Wittmann, P Neumann, F Jelezko, ...
Nature Physics 2 (6), 408-413, 2006
Diamond photonics
I Aharonovich, AD Greentree, S Prawer
Nature Photonics 5 (7), 397-405, 2011
Diamond-based single-photon emitters
I Aharonovich, S Castelletto, DA Simpson, CH Su, AD Greentree, ...
Reports on progress in Physics 74 (7), 076501, 2011
Stark shift control of single optical centers in diamond
P Tamarat, T Gaebel, JR Rabeau, M Khan, AD Greentree, H Wilson, ...
Physical review letters 97 (8), 083002, 2006
Coherent electronic transfer in quantum dot systems using adiabatic passage
AD Greentree, JH Cole, AR Hamilton, LCL Hollenberg
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (23), 235317, 2004
Coherent population trapping of single spins in diamond under optical excitation
C Santori, P Tamarat, P Neumann, J Wrachtrup, D Fattal, RG Beausoleil, ...
Physical Review Letters 97 (24), 247401, 2006
Two-dimensional architectures for donor-based quantum computing
LCL Hollenberg, AD Greentree, AG Fowler, CJ Wellard
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (4), 045311, 2006
Electrostatically defined serial triple quantum dot charged with few electrons
D Schröer, AD Greentree, L Gaudreau, K Eberl, LCL Hollenberg, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (7), 075306, 2007
Photochromism in single nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond
T Gaebel, M Domhan, C Wittmann, I Popa, F Jelezko, J Rabeau, ...
Applied Physics B 82, 243-246, 2006
Ion‐beam‐assisted lift‐off technique for three‐dimensional micromachining of freestanding single‐crystal diamond
P Olivero, S Rubanov, P Reichart, BC Gibson, ST Huntington, J Rabeau, ...
Advanced Materials 17 (20), 2427-2430, 2005
Numerical ordering of zero in honey bees
SR Howard, A Avarguès-Weber, JE Garcia, AD Greentree, AG Dyer
Science 360 (6393), 1124-1126, 2018
Diamond for quantum computing
S Prawer, AD Greentree
Science 320 (5883), 1601-1602, 2008
Two-level ultrabright single photon emission from diamond nanocrystals
I Aharonovich, S Castelletto, DA Simpson, A Stacey, J McCallum, ...
Nano letters 9 (9), 3191-3195, 2009
Creating diamond color centers for quantum optical applications
FC Waldermann, P Olivero, J Nunn, K Surmacz, ZY Wang, D Jaksch, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 16 (11), 1887-1895, 2007
Single-photon emission and quantum characterization of zinc oxide defects
AJ Morfa, BC Gibson, M Karg, TJ Karle, AD Greentree, P Mulvaney, ...
Nano letters 12 (2), 949-954, 2012
Dynamic Stabilization of the Optical Resonances of Single Nitrogen-Vacancy<? format?> Centers in Diamond
VM Acosta, C Santori, A Faraon, Z Huang, KMC Fu, A Stacey, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (20), 206401, 2012
Diamond integrated quantum photonics
AD Greentree, BA Fairchild, FM Hossain, S Prawer
Materials Today 11 (9), 22-31, 2008
Fabrication of ultrathin single‐crystal diamond membranes
BA Fairchild, P Olivero, S Rubanov, AD Greentree, F Waldermann, ...
Advanced Materials 20 (24), 4793-4798, 2008
Wafer-scale synthesis of semiconducting SnO monolayers from interfacial oxide layers of metallic liquid tin
T Daeneke, P Atkin, R Orrell-Trigg, A Zavabeti, T Ahmed, S Walia, M Liu, ...
ACS nano 11 (11), 10974-10983, 2017
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Articles 1–20