Faming Wang
Cited by
Cited by
The effect of social-emotional competency on child development in western China
Y Wang, Z Yang, Y Zhang, F Wang, T Liu, T Xin
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1282, 2019
Need-supportive teaching is positively associated with students' well-being: A cross-cultural study
Y Wang, RB King, F Wang, SO Leung
Learning and Individual Differences 92, 102051, 2021
Why do East Asian students do so well in mathematics? A machine learning study
F Wang, RB King, SO Leung
International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 21 (3), 691-711, 2023
Beating the odds: Identifying the top predictors of resilience among Hong Kong students
F Wang, RB King, SO Leung
Child Indicators Research 15 (5), 1921-1944, 2022
University students’ intentions to learn artificial intelligence: the roles of supportive environments and expectancy–value beliefs
F Wang, RB King, CS Chai, Y Zhou
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 20 (1), 51, 2023
Disciplinary climate, opportunity to learn, and mathematics achievement: An analysis using doubly latent multilevel structural equation modeling
F Wang, Y Liu, SO Leung
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 33 (3), 479-496, 2022
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ): Adaptation, validation, and development of a short form in the Chinese context for mathematics
F Wang, C Jiang, RB King, SO Leung
Psychology in the Schools 60 (6), 2018-2040, 2023
Psychometric properties of cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies scale among Chinese senior secondary school students
F Wang, SO Leung, C Jiang
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 39 (6), 761-771, 2021
Supervisors matter, but what about peers? The distinct contributions of quality supervision and peer support to doctoral students’ research experience
F Wang, LM Zeng, AY Zhu, RB King
Studies in Higher Education 48 (11), 1724-1740, 2023
Overcoming adversity: Exploring the key predictors of academic resilience in science
F Wang, RB King, L Fu, CS Chai, SO Leung
International Journal of Science Education 46 (4), 313-337, 2024
The research experience of postgraduate students: a mixed-methods study
F Wang, RB King, LM Zeng, Y Zhu, SO Leung
Studies in Higher Education 48 (4), 616-629, 2023
Cooperative school climates are positively linked with socio‐emotional skills: A Cross‐National Study
F Wang, RB King, LM Zeng
British Journal of Educational Psychology 94 (2), 622-641, 2024
Investigating the measurement of OTL in PISA 2012 and its relationship with self-efficacy and mathematics achievement: Doubly latent multilevel analyses
F Wang, Y Wang, Y Liu, SO Leung
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 67 (6), 837-852, 2023
Socio‐economic status, mastery‐approach goals and learning‐related outcomes: Mediation and moderation
RB King, F Wang, SO Leung, A Elliot
British Journal of Educational Psychology 94 (2), 499-517, 2024
Expectancy-value beliefs optimize mathematics achievement and learning strategy use: a bifactor approach (Las creencias sobre los valores y las expectativas optimizan el …
F Wang, RB King, SO Leung, C Jiang
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 46 (1), 154-189, 2023
English digital reading achievement for East Asian students: identifying the key predictors using a machine learning approach
S Luo, RB King, F Wang*, S Leung
Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 1-17, 2024
Supporting students' basic needs is associated with better socio-emotional skills across cultures: A self-determination theory perspective
F Wang, RB King, LM Zeng
Learning and Individual Differences 116, 102535, 2024
University students’ socio-emotional skills: the role of the teaching and learning environment
F Wang, LM Zeng, RB King
Studies in Higher Education, 1-18, 2024
Understanding the relationship between competitive climates and reading achievement in East Asia: a situated expectancy-value theory perspective
F Liu, Y Liu, F Wang
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1-14, 2024
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Articles 1–19