Anthony Worby
Anthony Worby
Director, Oceans and Atmosphere
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Cited by
Thickness distribution of Antarctic sea ice
AP Worby, CA Geiger, MJ Paget, ML Van Woert, SF Ackley, TL DeLiberty
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C5), 2008
Snow on Antarctic sea ice
RA Massom, H Eicken, C Hass, MO Jeffries, MR Drinkwater, M Sturm, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 39 (3), 413-445, 2001
State of the Antarctic and Southern Ocean climate system
PA Mayewski, MP Meredith, CP Summerhayes, J Turner, A Worby, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 47 (1), 2009
Geostrophic transport of Indonesian throughflow
G Meyers, RJ Bailey, AP Worby
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 42 (7), 1163-1174, 1995
Surface albedo of the Antarctic sea ice zone
RE Brandt, SG Warren, AP Worby, TC Grenfell
Journal of Climate 18 (17), 3606-3622, 2005
East Antarctic sea ice: A review of its structure, properties and drift
AP Worby, RA Massom, I Allison, VI Lytle, P Heil
Antarctic sea ice: physical processes, interactions and variability 74, 41-67, 1998
Changes in the Antarctic sea ice ecosystem: potential effects on krill and baleen whales
S Nicol, A Worby, R Leaper
Marine and Freshwater Research 59 (5), 361-382, 2008
Effects of regional fast-ice and iceberg distributions on the behaviour of the Mertz Glacier polynya, East Antarctica
RA Massom, KL Hill, VI Lytle, AP Worby, MJ Paget, I Allison
Annals of Glaciology 33, 391-398, 2001
Studies of the Antarctic sea ice edge and ice extent from satellite and ship observations
AP Worby, JC Comiso
Remote sensing of environment 92 (1), 98-111, 2004
Field investigations of Ku-band radar penetration into snow cover on Antarctic sea ice
RC Willatt, KA Giles, SW Laxon, L Stone-Drake, AP Worby
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and remote sensing 48 (1), 365-372, 2009
A technique for making ship‐based observations of Antarctic sea ice thickness and characteristics. Part I: Observational technique and results
AP Worby
Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre Research Report 14, 63, 1999
Seasonal variations in the properties and structural composition of sea ice and snow cover in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas, Antarctica
MO Jeffries, K Morris, WF Weeks, AP Worby
Journal of Glaciology 43 (143), 138-151, 1997
The thickness distribution of sea ice and snow cover during late winter in the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas, Antarctica
AP Worby, MO Jeffries, WF Weeks, K Morris, R Jana
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C12), 28441-28455, 1996
Temporal evolution of decaying summer first-year sea ice in the Western Weddell Sea, Antarctica
JL Tison, A Worby, B Delille, F Brabant, S Papadimitriou, D Thomas, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55 (8-9), 975-987, 2008
Observed changes in sea-ice floe size distribution during early summer in the western Weddell Sea
A Steer, A Worby, P Heil
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 55 (8-9), 933-942, 2008
Antarctic sea ice elevation from satellite radar altimetry
KA Giles, SW Laxon, AP Worby
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (3), 2008
Evaluation of AMSR‐E snow depth product over East Antarctic sea ice using in situ measurements and aerial photography
AP Worby, T Markus, AD Steer, VI Lytle, RA Massom
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C5), 2008
Decadal decrease of Antarctic sea ice extent inferred from whaling records revisited on the basis of historical and modern sea ice records
S Ackley, P Wadhams, JC Comiso, AP Worby
Polar Research 22 (1), 19-25, 2003
Winter snow cover variability on East Antarctic sea ice
RA Massom, VI Lytle, AP Worby, I Allison
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 103 (C11), 24837-24855, 1998
On the use of electromagnetic induction sounding to determine winter and spring sea ice thickness in the Antarctic
AP Worby, PW Griffin, VI Lytle, RA Massom
Cold Regions Science and Technology 29 (1), 49-58, 1999
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Articles 1–20