Laura Pagani
Laura Pagani
Professor of Economics, Università di Milano Bicocca
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Is it the way they use it? Teachers, ICT and student achievement
SL Comi, G Argentin, M Gui, F Origo, L Pagani
Economics of Education Review 56, 24-39, 2017
Flexicurity and job satisfaction in Europe: The importance of perceived and actual job stability for well-being at work
F Origo, L Pagani
Labour economics 16 (5), 547-555, 2009
The Impact of Digital Skills on Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Performance Tests
L Pagani, G Argentin, M Gui, L Stanca
Educational Studies 42 (2), 137-162, 2016
Workplace flexibility and job satisfaction: some evidence from Europe
F Origo, L Pagani
International Journal of Manpower 29 (6), 539-566, 2008
Collective bargaining and wage dispersion in Europe
C Dell’Aringa, L Pagani
British Journal of Industrial Relations 45 (1), 29-54, 2007
Where Women Make a Difference: Gender Quotas and Firms’ Performance in Three European Countries
S Comi, M Grasseni, F Origo, L Pagani
Industrial and Labor Relations Review 73 (3), 768-793, 2020
The Labour market Participation of Sandwich Generation Italian Women
A Marenzi, L Pagani
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 29 (3), 2008
Labour Market Assimilation and Over-Education: The Case of Immigrant Workers in Italy
C Dell’Aringa, L Pagani
Economia Politica 2, 2011
The Market for Paintings in Italy during the XVII Century
F Etro, L Pagani
Journal of Economic History 72 (2), 2012
Earnings Differentials between Immigrants and Natives: The Role of Occupational Attainment
L Pagani, C Dell’Aringa, C Lucifora
IZA Journal of Migration 4 (8), 2015
The Effect of School Rank on Personality Traits
S Comi, F Origo, L Pagani
The Journal of Human Resources 56, 1187-1225, 2021
The Market for Paintings in the Venetian Republic from Renaissance to Rococò
F Etro, L Pagani
Journal of Cultural Economics 37 (4), 2013
Corporate financing decisions and non debt tax shields: Evidence from Italian experiences in the 1990s
M Bernasconi, A Marenzi, L Pagani
International Tax and Public Finance 12 (6), 2005
The Effects of Unions on Wage Inequality. The Italian case in the Nineties
D Checchi, L Pagani
Politica Economica 1, 2005
The Labor Market in the Art Sector of Baroque Rome
F Etro, S Marchesi, L Pagani
Economic Inquiry 53 (1), 2015
Why do People from Southern Italy Search Jobs in the Public Sector?
L Pagani
Labour 17 (1), 2003
Junior Farmer Field Schools, Agricultural Knowledge and Spillover Effects: Quasiexperimental Evidence from Northern Uganda
J Bonan, L Pagani
Journal of Development Studies 54, 2007-2022, 2017
The deterrence effect of real-world operational tax audit on self-employed taxpayers: evidence from Italy
G Mazzolini, L Pagani, A Santoro
International Tax and Public Finance, 2021
Last and furious: Relative position and school violence
S Comi, F Origo, L Pagani, M Tonello
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 188, 736-756, 2021
The European Union and the Member States: An empirical analysis of Europeans’ preferences for competences allocation
F Cerniglia, L Pagani
CESifo Economic Studies 55 (1), 2009
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Articles 1–20