Taher Hajilounezhad
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Cited by
A critical review of biogas production and usage with legislations framework across the globe
S Abanades, H Abbaspour, A Ahmadi, B Das, MA Ehyaei, F Esmaeilion, ...
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 1-24, 2022
A conceptual review of sustainable electrical power generation from biogas
S Abanades, H Abbaspour, A Ahmadi, B Das, MA Ehyaei, F Esmaeilion, ...
Energy Science & Engineering 10 (2), 630-655, 2022
Evaluating the forces generated during carbon nanotube forest growth and self-assembly
T Hajilounezhad, DM Ajiboye, MR Maschmann
Materialia 7, 100371, 2019
Predicting carbon nanotube forest attributes and mechanical properties using simulated images and deep learning
T Hajilounezhad, R Bao, K Palaniappan, F Bunyak, P Calyam, ...
npj Computational Materials 7 (1), 134, 2021
Delamination mechanics of carbon nanotube micropillars
J Brown, T Hajilounezhad, NT Dee, S Kim, AJ Hart, MR Maschmann
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (38), 35221-35227, 2019
Multi‐objective optimization of solid oxide fuel cell/gas turbine combined heat and power system: a comparison between particle swarm and genetic algorithms
S Safari, T Hajilounezhad, MA Ehyaei
International Journal of Energy Research 44 (11), 9001-9020, 2020
Exploration of carbon nanotube forest synthesis-structure relationships using physics-based simulation and machine learning
T Hajilounezhad, ZA Oraibi, R Surya, F Bunyak, MR Maschmann, ...
2019 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), 1-8, 2019
Growth and mechanics of heterogeneous, 3D carbon nanotube forest microstructures formed by sequential selective-area synthesis
R Hines, T Hajilounezhad, C Love-Baker, G Koerner, MR Maschmann
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (15), 17893-17900, 2020
Numerical investigation of internal forces during carbon nanotube forest self-assembly
T Hajilounezhad, MR Maschmann
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 52019 …, 2018
An improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization with TOPSIS and fuzzy logic for optimizing trapezoidal labyrinth weir
A Mahmoud, X Yuan, M Kheimi, MA Almadani, T Hajilounezhad, Y Yuan
IEEE Access 9, 25458-25472, 2021
Investigation on labyrinth spillway multi-objective optimization with an emphasis on predicting discharge coefficient through different artificial neural networks
A Mahmoud, X Yuan, T Hajilounezhad, Y Yuan
Measurement 174, 109036, 2021
CNT forest self-assembly insights from in-situ ESEM synthesis
R Surya, GL Koerner, T Hajilounezhad, K Safavigerdini, M Spies, ...
Carbon 229, 119439, 2024
Measurements of CNT Forest Self-Assembly from In-situ ESEM Synthesis
R Surya, GL Koerner, T Hajilounezhad, K Safavigerdin, P Calyam, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.19336, 2024
The Effect of Fluid Properties on the Operation of Thermal Bubble jet
F Mobadersani, H Safari, T Hajilounezhad, P Kahroba
arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.07901, 2019
Evaluation of Process-Structure-Property Relationships of Carbon Nanotube Forests Using Simulation and Deep Learning
T Hajilounezhad
University of Missouri-Columbia, 2020
Numerical evaluation of dry-cooling towers interaction in different arrangement
T Hajilounezhad
Engineering Archive, 2019
Cnt Forest Self-Assembly Insights from In-Situ Esem Synthesis
M Maschmann, R Surya, GL Koerner, T Hajilounezhad, K Safavigerdin, ...
Available at SSRN 4784284, 0
The Effect of Fluid Properties on the Operation of Thermal Bubble jet
H Saffari, P Kahroba, F Mobadersani, T Hajilounezhad
Multi-Objective Optimization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell/GT Combined Heat and Power System: A comparison between Particle Swarm and Genetic Algorithms
S Safaria, T Hajilounezhad, MA Ehyaeic
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Articles 1–19