Philip L Varghese
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Cited by
Collisional narrowing effects on spectral line shapes measured at high resolution
PL Varghese, RK Hanson
Applied optics 23 (14), 2376-2385, 1984
Hybrid Euler/particle approach for continuum/rarefied flows
R Roveda, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 35 (3), 258-265, 1998
Tunable infrared diode laser measurements of line strengths and collision widths of 12C16O at room temperature
PL Varghese, RK Hanson
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 24 (6), 479-489, 1980
Frequency-resolved absorption tomography with tunable diode lasers
R Villarreal, PL Varghese
Applied Optics 44 (31), 6786-6795, 2005
Line-of-sight absorption measurements of high temperature gases with thermal and concentration boundary layers
X Ouyang, PL Varghese
Applied optics 28 (18), 3979-3984, 1989
Simulation of gas dynamics and radiation in volcanic plumes on Io
J Zhang, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese, NE Gimelshein, SF Gimelshein, ...
Icarus 163 (1), 182-197, 2003
Raman spectra of methane, ethylene, ethane, dimethyl ether, formaldehyde and propane for combustion applications
G Magnotti, U KC, PL Varghese, RS Barlow
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 163, 80-101, 2015
Hybrid Euler/direct simulation Monte Carlo calculation of unsteady slit flow
R Roveda, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 37 (6), 753-760, 2000
Approach for modeling rocket plume impingement and dust dispersal on the moon
AB Morris, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese, LM Trafton
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 52 (2), 362-374, 2015
Simulations of a comet impact on the Moon and associated ice deposition in polar cold traps
BD Stewart, E Pierazzo, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese, LM Trafton
Icarus 215 (1), 1-16, 2011
Numerical modeling of ionian volcanic plumes with entrained particulates
J Zhang, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese, L Trafton, C Moore, K Miki
Icarus 172 (2), 479-502, 2004
Transport of water in a transient impact-generated lunar atmosphere
P Prem, NA Artemieva, DB Goldstein, PL Varghese, LM Trafton
Icarus 255, 148-158, 2015
Tunable diode laser measurements on nitric oxide in a hypersonic wind tunnel
A Mohamed, B Rosier, D Henry, Y Louvet, PL Varghese
AIAA journal 34 (3), 494-499, 1996
Reliable and efficient program for fitting Galatry and Voigt profiles to spectral data on multiple lines
X Ouyang, PL Varghese
Applied optics 28 (8), 1538-1545, 1989
Monte Carlo solution of the Boltzmann equation via a discrete velocity model
AB Morris, PL Varghese, DB Goldstein
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (4), 1265-1280, 2011
Direct numerical simulation of supersonic combustion with thermal nonequilibrium
H Koo, V Raman, PL Varghese
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 2145-2153, 2015
A comprehensive numerical simulation of Io’s sublimation-driven atmosphere
AC Walker, SL Gratiy, DB Goldstein, CH Moore, PL Varghese, LM Trafton, ...
Icarus 207 (1), 409-432, 2010
The Δ-ε method for the Boltzmann equation
Z Tan, PL Varghese
Journal of Computational Physics 110 (2), 327-340, 1994
Collision width measurements of CO in combustion gases using a tunable diode laser
PL Varghese, RK Hanson
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 26 (4), 339-347, 1981
Tunable diode laser measurements of spectral parameters of HCN at room temperature
PL Varghese, RK Hanson
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 31 (6), 545-559, 1984
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Articles 1–20