Kalani C. Dahanayake
Cited by
Cited by
Temperature and cooling demand reduction by green-roof types in different climates and urban densities: A co-simulation parametric study
TE Morakinyo, KWDKC Dahanayake, E Ng, CL Chow
Energy and Buildings 145, 226-237, 2017
Studying the potential of energy saving through vertical greenery systems: Using EnergyPlus simulation program
KWDKC Dahanayake, CL Chow
Energy and Buildings 138, 47-59, 2017
Modelling the effect of tree-shading on summer indoor and outdoor thermal condition of two similar buildings in a Nigerian university
TE Morakinyo, KWDKC Dahanayake, OB Adegun, AA Balogun
Energy and Buildings 130, 721-732, 2016
Comparing reduction of building cooling load through green roofs and green walls by EnergyPlus simulations
KC Dahanayake, CL Chow
Building Simulation, 1-14, 2017
Selection of suitable plant species for energy efficient Vertical Greenery Systems (VGS)
KC Dahanayake, CL Chow, GL Hou
Energy Procedia 142, 2473-2478, 2017
IoT-BIM-based digital transformation in facilities management: a conceptual model
KC Dahanayake, N Sumanarathna
Journal of Facilities Management, 2021
Moisture content, ignitability, and fire risk of vegetation in vertical greenery systems
KC Dahanayake, CL Chow
Fire Ecology 14, 125-142, 2018
Study on the fire growth in underground green corridors
KC Dahanayake, Y Yang, Y Wan, S Han, CL Chow
Building Simulation 13, 627-635, 2020
Exploring UAE's transition towards circular economy through construction and demolition waste management in the pre-construction stage–A case study approach
P Nie, KC Dahanayake, N Sumanarathna
Smart and Sustainable Built Environment 13 (2), 246-266, 2024
63: A brief discussion on current vertical greenery systems in Hong Kong: the way forward
K Dahanayake, NCL CHOwº
Sustainable Energy, 136, 2015
Fire Hazards with Vertical Greenery Systems
CL Chow, SS Han, KC Dahanayake, WK Chow
Fire Protection Engineering Magazine 31, 2018
Passive energy performance of vertical greenery systems (VGS) under different climatic conditions
KC Dahanayake, CL Chow
International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, 277-286, 2018
Living in low income condominiums: End users’ perspectives
DMD Wijayamali, K Waidyasekara, K Dahanayake
3rd World Construction Symposium, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 356 – 364, 2014
Big Data Analytics in Facilities Management Higher Education: a Way Forward
N Sumanarathna, KC Dahanayake, A Adhikari
The 23rd EuroFM Research Symposium 2024, London, UK, 66-76, 2024
Studying the Potential of Energy Saving through Vertical Greenery Systems: Using
KWDKC Dahanayake, CL Chow
Energy Build 86, 93-103, 2015
Impact of aesthetic appearance to facilitate corporate business objectives in organisations
DAK Chathuranga, END De Silva, K Dahanayake, M Ranasinghe
Fire risk in high rise buildings: Inspection strategies framework
KD K Waidyasekara, P Thilini
Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAD) Journal 11, 88-95, 2013
Developing a maintenance strategy plan to improve energy efficiency of HVAC system
SS Fernando, N De Silva, K Dahanayake
2nd Second World Construction Symposium, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 170 – 179, 2013
Improving indoor air quality from effective ventilation systems in office buildings in Sri Lanka
KWDKC Dahanayake, C Weddikkara
Second World Construction Symposium 2013, 278 – 287, 2013
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Articles 1–19