Johan Karlsson Rönnberg
Johan Karlsson Rönnberg
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Cited by
Worst case constant time priority queue
A Brodnik, S Carlsson, ML Fredman, J Karlsson, JI Munro
Journal of Systems and Software 78 (3), 249-256, 2005
Application agnostic container migration and failover
M Terneborg, JK Rönnberg, O Schelén
2021 IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 565-572, 2021
An O (1) solution to the prefix sum problem on a specialized memory architecture
A Brodnik, J Karlsson, JI Munro, A Nilsson
Fourth IFIP International Conference on Theoretical Computer Science-TCS …, 2006
Design of high performance memory module on PC100
R Leben, M Miletic, M Špegel, A Trost, A Brodnik, J Karlsson
Proceedings Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, 75-78, 1999
Method and arrangements for reservation of resources in a data network
U Bodin, J Karlsson
US Patent App. 11/919,243, 2009
Method and Arrangement in a Data Network for Bandwidth Management
U Bodin, J Karlsson
US Patent App. 11/919,398, 2009
On Data structures and memory models
J Karlsson
Luleĺ tekniska universitet, 2006
Extended expedited forwarding: the in-time PHB group
J Karlsson, U Bodin, A Brodnik, A Nilsson, O Schelén
Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications …, 2003
Multiprocess time queue
A Brodnik, J Karlsson
International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 599-609, 2001
Evaluation of different solutions to the left-right-neighbour and priority queue problems
J Karlsson, A Brodnik
Tekniska Universitet, 1998
Systematic Control Configuration Selection of Secondary Heating Systems: A Case Study
M Castańo, W Birk, P Asplund, JK Rönnberg
Reglermöte 2014: 03/06/2014-04/06/2014, 2014
ProMoVis: a software environment for control structure selection in interconnected processes
W Birk, M Castano, T Eriksson, J Rönnberg, E Olsson, NO Ekholm
Reglermöte 2012: 13/06/2012-14/06/2012, 2012
Bitwise Operations under RAMBO
A Brodnik, J Karlsson
Luleĺ tekniska universitet, 2006
Get your priorities straight
J Karlsson
Luleĺ Tekniska Universitet, 2001
Worst case constant time priority queue
A Brodnik, S Carlsson, J Karlsson, JI Munro
Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms: 07/01/2001-09/01/2001, 523-528, 2001
RAMBO Replaces the ALU using Reads and Writes only
A Brodnik123, J Karlsson
Extended Expedited Forwarding: In-Time PHB
UA Bodin, A Brodnik, J Karlsson, A Nilsson
Delivering Excess Traffic with Delay Guarantees-An Extension to Expedited Forwarding
J Karlsson, U Bodin, A Brodnik, A Nilsson, O Schelén
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Articles 1–18