Arjen P. de Vries
Arjen P. de Vries
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Unifying user-based and item-based collaborative filtering approaches by similarity fusion
J Wang, AP De Vries, MJT Reinders
Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2006
Overview of the trec-2005 enterprise track
N Craswell, A de Vries, I Soboroff
TREC 2005 conference notebook, 199-205, 2005
Overview of the TREC 2010 Entity Track.
K Balog, P Serdyukov, AP De Vries
TREC 500, 294, 2010
Quality through flow and immersion: gamifying crowdsourced relevance assessments
C Eickhoff, CG Harris, AP de Vries, P Srinivasan
Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2012
Technique for matching a query to a portion of media
AP Devries, M Sokolov, DE Kovalcin, B Eberman, L Kontothanassis
US Patent 6,311,189, 2001
Increasing cheat robustness of crowdsourcing tasks
C Eickhoff, AP de Vries
Information retrieval 16, 121-137, 2013
Relevance assessment: are judges exchangeable and does it matter
P Bailey, N Craswell, I Soboroff, P Thomas, AP de Vries, E Yilmaz
Proceedings of the 31st Annual international ACM SIGIR Conference on …, 2008
How much spam can you take? an analysis of crowdsourcing results to increase accuracy
J Vuurens, AP de Vries, C Eickhoff
Proc. ACM SIGIR Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Information Retrieval (CIR’11 …, 2011
Overview of the trec 2006 enterprise track
I Soboroff, AP de Vries, N Craswell
TREC 2006 Working Notes, 2006
Overview of the INEX 2009 entity ranking track
G Demartini, T Iofciu, A de Vries
Focused Retrieval and Evaluation, 254-264, 2010
Technique for ranking multimedia annotations of interest
US Patent 6,173,287, 0
Technique for locating an item of interest within a stored representation of data
AP Devries, M Sokolov, DE Kovalcin, B Eberman, L Kontothanassis
US Patent 6,799,298, 2004
Rel: An entity linker standing on the shoulders of giants
JM Van Hulst, F Hasibi, K Dercksen, K Balog, AP de Vries
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2020
The overlap problem in content-oriented XML retrieval evaluation
G Kazai, M Lalmas, AP de Vries
Proceedings of the 27th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2004
How crowdsourcable is your task
C Eickhoff, A de Vries
Proceedings of the Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Search and Data Mining …, 2011
Overview of the TREC 2007 enterprise track
P Bailey, N Craswell, AP de Vries, I Soboroff
Proceedings of TREC, 2007
The where in the tweet
W Li, P Serdyukov, AP de Vries, C Eickhoff, M Larson
Proceedings of the 20th ACM international conference on Information and …, 2011
Overview of the INEX 2007 entity ranking track
A de Vries, AM Vercoustre, J Thom, N Craswell, M Lalmas
Focused Access to XML Documents, 245-251, 2008
Using flickr geotags to predict user travel behaviour
M Clements, P Serdyukov, AP De Vries, MJT Reinders
Proceedings of the 33rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2010
Efficient k-NN search on vertically decomposed data
AP de Vries, N Mamoulis, N Nes, M Kersten
Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2002
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Articles 1–20