Jayson Paulose
Jayson Paulose
Associate Professor, University of Oregon
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Topological modes bound to dislocations in mechanical metamaterials
J Paulose, BG Chen, V Vitelli
Nature Physics, 2015
Elastic Instability of a Crystal Growing on a Curved Surface
G Meng, J Paulose, DR Nelson, VN Manoharan
Science 343 (6171), 634-637, 2014
Selective buckling via states of self-stress in topological metamaterials
J Paulose, AS Meeussen, V Vitelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2015
Topological mechanics of origami and kirigami
BG Chen, B Liu, AA Evans, J Paulose, I Cohen, V Vitelli, CD Santangelo
Physical review letters 116 (13), 135501, 2016
Spatiotemporal order and emergent edge currents in active spinner materials
BC van Zuiden, J Paulose, WTM Irvine, D Bartolo, V Vitelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (46), 12919-12924, 2016
Delayed buckling and guided folding of inhomogeneous capsules
SS Datta, SH Kim, J Paulose, A Abbaspourrad, DR Nelson, DA Weitz
Physical review letters 109 (13), 134302, 2012
Additives for vaccine storage to improve thermal stability of adenoviruses from hours to months
M Pelliccia, P Andreozzi, J Paulose, M D’Alicarnasso, V Cagno, ...
Nature communications 7, 13520, 2016
Sonic Landau levels and synthetic gauge fields in mechanical metamaterials
H Abbaszadeh, A Souslov, J Paulose, H Schomerus, V Vitelli
Physical review letters 119 (19), 195502, 2017
Geared topological metamaterials with tunable mechanical stability
AS Meeussen, J Paulose, V Vitelli
Physical Review X 6 (4), 041029, 2016
Fluctuating shells under pressure
J Paulose, GA Vliegenthart, G Gompper, DR Nelson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (48), 19551-19556, 2012
Buckling pathways in spherical shells with soft spots
J Paulose, DR Nelson
Soft Matter 9 (34), 8227-8245, 2013
Mechanical strain sensing implicated in cell shape recovery in Escherichia coli
F Wong, LD Renner, G Özbaykal, J Paulose, DB Weibel, S van Teeffelen, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (9), 17115, 2017
Localizing softness and stress along loops in 3D topological metamaterials
G Baardink, A Souslov, J Paulose, V Vitelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (3), 489-494, 2018
The impact of long-range dispersal on gene surfing
J Paulose, O Hallatschek
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (14), 7584-7593, 2020
Spatial soft sweeps: patterns of adaptation in populations with long-range dispersal
J Paulose, J Hermisson, O Hallatschek
PLOS Genetics 15 (2), e1007936, 2019
Topological protection can arise from thermal fluctuations and interactions
RP Pedro, J Paulose, A Souslov, M Dresselhaus, V Vitelli
Physical Review Letters 122 (11), 118001, 2019
Theory of interacting dislocations on cylinders
A Amir, J Paulose, DR Nelson
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 87 (4 …, 2013
Nondispersive One-Way Signal Amplification in Sonic Metamaterials
N Kruss, J Paulose
Physical Review Applied 17 (2), 024020, 2022
Two-parameter sequential adsorption model applied to microfiber clustering
J Paulose, DR Nelson, J Aizenberg
Soft Matter 6 (11), 2421-2434, 2010
Stopping and reversing sound via dynamic dispersion tuning in a phononic metamaterial
P Karki, J Paulose
Physical Review Applied 15 (3), 034083, 2021
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Articles 1–20