Nakjung Choi
Nakjung Choi
Bell Labs
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Cited by
In-network caching effect on optimal energy consumption in content-centric networking
N Choi, K Guan, DC Kilper, G Atkinson
2012 IEEE international conference on communications (ICC), 2889-2894, 2012
Optimal multi-sink positioning and energy-efficient routing in wireless sensor networks
H Kim, Y Seok, N Choi, Y Choi, T Kwon
International conference on information networking, 264-274, 2005
Dynamic in-network caching for energy efficient content delivery
J Llorca, AM Tulino, K Guan, J Esteban, M Varvello, N Choi, DC Kilper
2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 245-249, 2013
Multi-channel MAC protocol for mobile ad hoc networks
N Choi, Y Seok, Y Choi
2003 IEEE 58th Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC 2003-Fall (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
WISE: energy-efficient interface selection on vertical handoff between 3G networks and WLANs
M Nam, N Choi, Y Seok, Y Choi
2004 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2004
Rate-adaptive multimedia multicasting over IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs
Y Park, Y Seok, Y Choi, JM Bonnin
CCNC 2006: IEEE Consumer communications and networking conference, 178-182, 2006
A solicitation-based IEEE 802.11 p MAC protocol for roadside to vehicular networks
N Choi, S Choi, Y Seokt, T Kwon, Y Choi
2007 Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments, 91-96, 2007
AMVS-NDN: Adaptive mobile video streaming and sharing in wireless named data networking
B Han, X Wang, N Choi, T Kwon, Y Choi
2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2013
A fog operating system for user-oriented iot services: Challenges and research directions
N Choi, D Kim, SJ Lee, Y Yi
IEEE Communications Magazine 55 (8), 44-51, 2017
Leader-based rate adaptive multicasting for wireless LANs
S Choi, N Choi, Y Seok, T Kwon, Y Choi
IEEE GLOBECOM 2007-IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 3656-3660, 2007
IA-TCP: a rate based incast-avoidance algorithm for TCP in data center networks
J Hwang, J Yoo, N Choi
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1292-1296, 2012
C-flow: An efficient content delivery framework with OpenFlow
D Chang, M Kwak, N Choi, T Kwon, Y Choi
The International Conference on Information Networking 2014 (ICOIN2014), 270-275, 2014
The effects of housing environments on the performance of activity-recognition systems using Wi-Fi channel state information: An exploratory study
H Lee, CR Ahn, N Choi, T Kim, H Lee
Sensors 19 (5), 983, 2019
Economics of fog computing: interplay among infrastructure and service providers, users, and edge resource owners
D Kim, H Lee, H Song, N Choi, Y Yi
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 19 (11), 2609-2622, 2019
Leader-based multicast service in IEEE 802.11 v networks
N Choi, Y Seok, T Kwon, Y Choi
2010 7th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, 1-5, 2010
P-DCF: enhanced backoff scheme for the IEEE 802.11 DCF
N Choi, Y Seok, Y Choi, S Kim, H Jung
2005 IEEE 61st Vehicular Technology Conference 3, 2067-2070, 2005
Multicasting multimedia streams in IEEE 802.11 networks: a focus on reliability and rate adaptation
N Choi, Y Seok, T Kwon, Y Choi
Wireless Networks 17, 119-131, 2011
Fine-grained occupant activity monitoring with Wi-Fi channel state information: Practical implementation of multiple receiver settings
H Lee, CR Ahn, N Choi
Advanced Engineering Informatics 46, 101147, 2020
A probabilistic and opportunistic flooding algorithm in wireless sensor networks
D Chang, K Cho, N Choi, Y Choi
Computer Communications 35 (4), 500-506, 2012
Deadline and incast aware TCP for cloud data center networks
J Hwang, J Yoo, N Choi
Computer Networks 68, 20-34, 2014
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Articles 1–20