J.Toby Minear
J.Toby Minear
Research Hydrologist, CIRES / University of Colorado, Boulder
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Dams on the Mekong: Cumulative sediment starvation
GM Kondolf, ZK Rubin, JT Minear
Water Resources Research 50 (6), 5158-5169, 2014
Ecosystem responses to nitrogen deposition in the Colorado Front Range
JS Baron, HM Rueth, AM Wolfe, KR Nydick, EJ Allstott, JT Minear, ...
Ecosystems 3, 352-368, 2000
Reprint of: Large-scale dam removal on the Elwha River, Washington, USA: River channel and floodplain geomorphic change
AE East, GR Pess, JA Bountry, CS Magirl, AC Ritchie, JB Logan, ...
Geomorphology 246, 687-708, 2015
An intercomparison of remote sensing river discharge estimation algorithms from measurements of river height, width, and slope
M Durand, CJ Gleason, PA Garambois, D Bjerklie, LC Smith, H Roux, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (6), 4527-4549, 2016
Estimating reservoir sedimentation rates at large spatial and temporal scales: A case study of California
JT Minear, GM Kondolf
Water Resources Research 45 (12), 2009
Alternate bar response to sediment supply termination
JG Venditti, PA Nelson, JT Minear, J Wooster, WE Dietrich
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 117 (F2), 2012
Automated river reach definition strategies: Applications for the surface water and ocean topography mission
RPM Frasson, R Wei, M Durand, JT Minear, A Domeneghetti, ...
Water Resources Research 53 (10), 8164-8186, 2017
Trends in publications in fluvial geomorphology over two decades: A truly new era in the discipline owing to recent technological revolution?
H Piégay, GM Kondolf, JT Minear, L Vaudor
Geomorphology 248, 489-500, 2015
Sustaining United States reservoir storage capacity: Need for a new paradigm
TJ Randle, GL Morris, DD Tullos, FH Weirich, GM Kondolf, DN Moriasi, ...
Journal of Hydrology 602, 126686, 2021
Characterizing changes in streamflow and sediment supply in the Sacramento River Basin, California, using hydrological simulation program—FORTRAN (HSPF)
M Stern, L Flint, J Minear, A Flint, S Wright
Water 8 (10), 432, 2016
A framework for estimating global river discharge from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography satellite mission
M Durand, CJ Gleason, TM Pavelsky, R Prata de Moraes Frasson, ...
Water Resources Research 59 (4), e2021WR031614, 2023
Fine-scale habitat selection of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) within three spawning locations in the Sacramento River, California
MT Wyman, MJ Thomas, RR McDonald, AR Hearn, RD Battleson, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75 (5), 779-791, 2018
Fundamental hydraulics of cross sections in natural rivers: Preliminary analysis of a large data set of acoustic Doppler flow measurements
DM Bjerklie, JW Fulton, SL Dingman, MG Canova, JT Minear, ...
Water Resources Research 56 (3), e2019WR025986, 2020
Coarse sediment augmentation on the Trinity River below Lewiston Dam: Geomorphic perspectives and review of past projects
GM Kondolf, JT Minear
Report to Trinity River Restoration Program, Weaverville, CA, 2004
Wavelet‐based river segmentation using hydraulic control‐preserving water surface elevation profile properties
A Samine Montazem, PA Garambois, S Calmant, P Finaud‐Guyot, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 46 (12), 6534-6543, 2019
Anticipated improvements to river surface elevation profiles from the surface water and ocean topography mission
T Langhorst, TM Pavelsky, RPM Frasson, R Wei, A Domeneghetti, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 102, 2019
A multialgorithm approach to land surface modeling of suspended sediment in the Colorado Front Range
JR Stewart, B Livneh, JR Kasprzyk, B Rajagopalan, JT Minear, ...
Journal of advances in modeling earth systems 9 (7), 2526-2544, 2017
Dam effects on bedload transport on the upper Santa Ana River, California, and implications for native fish habitat
SA Wright, JT Minear
River Research and Applications 35 (6), 632-645, 2019
Assessing geomorphic change along the Trinity River downstream from Lewiston Dam, California, 1980-2011
JA Curtis, S Wright, JT Minear, LE Flint
Scientific investigations report, 2015
The downstream geomorphic effects of dams: a comprehensive and comparative approach
JT Minear
University of California, Berkeley, 2010
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Articles 1–20