Stefan Frank
Cited by
Cited by
A low energy demand scenario for meeting the 1.5 C target and sustainable development goals without negative emission technologies
A Grubler, C Wilson, N Bento, B Boza-Kiss, V Krey, DL McCollum, ...
Nature energy 3 (6), 515-527, 2018
Food security
C Mbow, CE Rosenzweig, LG Barioni, TG Benton, M Herrero, ...
Special report: Special report on climate change and land, 2020
Climate change mitigation through livestock system transitions
P Havlík, H Valin, M Herrero, M Obersteiner, E Schmid, MC Rufino, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (10), 3709-3714, 2014
Global emissions pathways under different socioeconomic scenarios for use in CMIP6: a dataset of harmonized emissions trajectories through the end of the century
MJ Gidden, K Riahi, SJ Smith, S Fujimori, G Luderer, E Kriegler, ...
Geoscientific model development 12 (4), 1443-1475, 2019
Contribution of the land sector to a 1.5 C world
S Roe, C Streck, M Obersteiner, S Frank, B Griscom, L Drouet, O Fricko, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (11), 817-828, 2019
Taking stock of national climate policies to evaluate implementation of the Paris Agreement
M Roelfsema, HL van Soest, M Harmsen, DP van Vuuren, C Bertram, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2096, 2020
EU Reference Scenario 2016-Energy, transport and GHG emissions Trends to 2050.
P Capros, A De Vita, N Tasios, P Siskos, M Kannavou, A Petropoulos, ...
European Commission Directorate-General for Energy, Directorate-General for …, 2016
Can N2O emissions offset the benefits from soil organic carbon storage?
B Guenet, B Gabrielle, C Chenu, D Arrouays, J Balesdent, M Bernoux, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (2), 237-256, 2021
Assessing the land resource–food price nexus of the Sustainable Development Goals
M Obersteiner, B Walsh, S Frank, P Havlík, M Cantele, J Liu, A Palazzo, ...
Science advances 2 (9), e1501499, 2016
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture without compromising food security?
S Frank, P Havlík, JF Soussana, A Levesque, H Valin, E Wollenberg, ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (10), 105004, 2017
The land use change impact of biofuels consumed in the EU: Quantification of area and greenhouse gas impacts
H Valin, D Peters, M Van den Berg, S Frank, P Havlik, N Forsell, ...
Ecofys Netherlands BV, 2015
Agricultural non-CO2 emission reduction potential in the context of the 1.5 °C target
S Frank, P Havlík, E Stehfest, H van Meijl, P Witzke, I Pérez-Domínguez, ...
Nature Climate Change 9 (1), 66-72, 2019
IAMC 1.5 C Scenario Explorer and Data hosted by IIASA
D Huppmann, E Kriegler, V Krey, K Riahi, J Rogelj, K Calvin, ...
(No Title), 2019
Quantifying carbon for agricultural soil management: from the current status toward a global soil information system
K Paustian, S Collier, J Baldock, R Burgess, J Creque, M DeLonge, ...
Carbon Management 10 (6), 567-587, 2019
A multi-model assessment of food security implications of climate change mitigation
S Fujimori, T Hasegawa, V Krey, K Riahi, C Bertram, BL Bodirsky, ...
Nature Sustainability 2 (5), 386-396, 2019
Global hunger and climate change adaptation through international trade
C Janssens, P Havlík, T Krisztin, J Baker, S Frank, T Hasegawa, D Leclčre, ...
Nature Climate Change 10 (9), 829-835, 2020
A review of successful climate change mitigation policies in major emitting economies and the potential of global replication
H Fekete, T Kuramochi, M Roelfsema, M den Elzen, N Forsell, N Höhne, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 137, 110602, 2021
Cost and attainability of meeting stringent climate targets without overshoot
K Riahi, C Bertram, D Huppmann, J Rogelj, V Bosetti, AM Cabardos, ...
Nature Climate Change 11 (12), 1063-1069, 2021
Global bioenergy scenarios–Future forest development, land-use implications, and trade-offs
F Kraxner, EM Nordström, P Havlík, M Gusti, A Mosnier, S Frank, H Valin, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 57, 86-96, 2013
How to spend a dwindling greenhouse gas budget
M Obersteiner, J Bednar, F Wagner, T Gasser, P Ciais, N Forsell, S Frank, ...
Nature Climate Change 8 (1), 7-10, 2018
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Articles 1–20