Roberto Eugenio Vogler
Roberto Eugenio Vogler
Instituto de Biología Subtropical (IBS). CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Misiones
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Cited by
The giant African snail, Achatina fulica (Gastropoda: Achatinidae): Using bioclimatic models to identify South American areas susceptible to invasion
RE Vogler, AA Beltramino, MM Sede, DE Gutiérrez Gregoric, V Núñez, ...
American Malacological Bulletin 31 (1), 39-50, 2013
Invasion of the Argentinean Paranense Rainforest by the Giant African Snail Achatina fulica
DE Gutiérrez Gregoric, V Núñez, R Vogler, A Rumi
American Malacological Bulletin 29 (1/2), 135-137, 2011
Impact of climate change on the distribution of a giant land snail from South America: predicting future trends for setting conservation priorities on native malacofauna
AA Beltramino, RE Vogler, DEG Gregoric, A Rumi
Climatic Change 131 (4), 621-633, 2015
Potential distribution of the invasive freshwater dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides (Levander) Langhans (Dinophyta) in South America
N Meichtry de Zaburlín, RE Vogler, MJ Molina, VM Llano
Journal of Phycology 52 (2), 200-208, 2016
Melanoides tuberculata: The history of an invader
RE Vogler, V Núñez, DE Gutiérrez Gregoric, AA Beltramino, JG Peso
Snails: Biology, Ecology and Conservation, 65-84, 2012
First records of four exotic slugs in Argentina
DEG Gregoric, AA Beltramino, RE Vogler, MG Cuezzo, V Núñez, ...
American Malacological Bulletin 31 (2), 245-256, 2013
The invasive snail Melanoides tuberculata in Argentina and Paraguay
JG Peso, DC Pérez, RE Vogler
Limnologica 41 (4), 281-284, 2011
Threatened gastropods under the evolutionary genetic species concept: redescription and new species of the genus Aylacostoma (Gastropoda: Thiaridae) from …
RE Vogler, AA Beltramino, JG Peso, A Rumi
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 172 (3), 501-520, 2014
Fitoplancton del embalse Yacyretá (Argentina-Paraguay) a una década de su llenado
N Meichtry de Zaburlín, RE Vogler, VM Llano, IS Martens
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 84 (1), 225-239, 2013
The South-American distribution and southernmost record of Biomphalaria peregrina—a potential intermediate host of schistosomiasis
A Rumi, RE Vogler, AA Beltramino
PeerJ 5, e3401, 2017
Expansión del rango de distribución de Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 (Gastropoda) en la Argentina y su concordancia con modelos predictivos
DE Gutiérrez Gregoric, AA Beltramino, RE Vogler, A Rumi
Amici Molluscarum 21 (1), 17-21, 2013
The radula of the extinct freshwater snail Aylacostoma stigmaticum (Caenogastropoda: Thiaridae) from Argentina and Paraguay
RE Vogler
Malacologia 56 (1-2), 329-332, 2013
New distributional records of the exotic land snail Bradybaena similaris (Férussac, 1822)(Gastropoda, Bradybaenidae) in Argentina
EN Serniotti, LB Guzmán, AA Beltramino, RE Vogler, A Rumi Macchi, ...
Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre, 2019
Gasterópodos terrestres de la provincia de Misiones, Argentina
DE Gutiérrez Gregoric, V Núñez, RE Vogler, AA Beltramino, A Rumi
Revista de Biología Tropical 61 (4), 1759-1768, 2013
Threatened Neotropical mollusks: analysis of shape differences in three endemic snails from High Paraná River by geometric morphometrics
RE Vogler, AA Beltramino, DE Gutiérrez Gregoric, JG Peso, M Griffin, ...
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 83 (4), 1045-1052, 2012
Sucesión espacio-temporal del plancton y bentos en periodos posteriores al llenado del Embalse Yacyretá (Río Paraná, Argentina-Paraguay)
N Meichtry de Zaburlin, JG Peso, GG Garrido, RE Vogler
Interciencia 35 (12), 897-904, 2010
The exotic jumping snail Ovachlamys fulgens (Gude, 1900)(Gastropoda: Helicarionidae) in urban areas of the Upper-Paraná Atlantic Forest
AA Beltramino, RE Vogler, A Rumi, LB Guzmán, SM Martin, JG Peso
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 90, 1591-1603, 2018
Primer registro del gasterópodo invasor Melanoides tuberculata (Gastropoda, Thiaridae) en el río Uruguay (Argentina-Brasil)
JG Peso, RE Vogler, ND Pividori
Comunicaciones de la Sociedad Malacológica del Uruguay 9 (93), 231-235, 2010
Insights into the evolutionary history of an extinct South American freshwater snail based on historical DNA
RE Vogler, AA Beltramino, EE Strong, A Rumi, JG Peso
PLoS One 11 (12), e0169191, 2016
From morphology to molecules: a combined source approach to untangle the taxonomy of Clessinia (Gastropoda, Odontostomidae), endemic land snails from the Dry Chaco ecoregion
MG Cuezzo, MJ Miranda, RE Vogler, AA Beltramino
PeerJ 6, e5986, 2018
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Articles 1–20