Julian Cristia
Cited by
Cited by
Technology and child development: Evidence from the one laptop per child program
J Cristia, P Ibarrarán, S Cueto, A Santiago, E Severín
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 9 (3), 295-320, 2017
Los primeros años: el bienestar infantil y el papel de las políticas públicas
MC Araujo, M Ardanaz, E Armendáriz, JR Behrman, S Berlinski, JP Cristia, ...
Inter-American Development Bank, 2015
The early years: child well-being and the role of public policy
S Berlinski, N Schady
Springer Nature, 2015
One laptop per child at home: Short-term impacts from a randomized experiment in Peru
DW Beuermann, J Cristia, S Cueto, O Malamud, Y Cruz-Aguayo
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 7 (2), 53-80, 2015
The effect of a first child on female labor supply: Evidence from women seeking fertility services
JP Cristia
Journal of Human Resources 43 (3), 487-510, 2008
El BID y la tecnología para mejorar el aprendizaje:¿ Cómo promover programas efectivos
EA Ortiz, J Cristia
Washington DC: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2014
Rising mortality and life expectancy differentials by lifetime earnings in the United States
JP Cristia
Journal of health economics 28 (5), 984-995, 2009
Aprender mejor: Políticas públicas para el desarrollo de habilidades
M Busso, JP Cristia, D Hincapié, J Messina, L Ripani
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
Learning better: Public policy for skills development
M Busso, J Cristia, D Hincapié, J Messina, L Ripani
Inter-American Development Bank, 2017
Does gamification in education work?: Experimental evidence from Chile
R Araya, EA Ortiz, NL Bottan, JP Cristia
Inter-American Development Bank, 2019
Do children benefit from internet access? Experimental evidence from Peru
O Malamud, S Cueto, J Cristia, DW Beuermann
Journal of Development Economics 138, 41-56, 2019
Home computers and child outcomes: Short-term impacts from a randomized experiment in Peru
DW Beuermann, JP Cristia, Y Cruz-Aguayo, S Cueto, O Malamud
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2013
Does technology in schools affect repetition, dropout and enrollment? Evidence from Peru
J Cristia, A Czerwonko, P Garofalo
Journal of Applied Economics 17 (1), 89-111, 2014
Development Connections: unveiling the impact of new information technologies
A Chong
Springer, 2011
The IDB and technology in education: How to promote effective programs?
EA Ortiz, JP Cristia
Inter-American Development Bank, 2014
Evaluación experimental del Programa" Una Laptop por niño" en Perú
A Santiago, E Severin, J Cristia, P Ibarrarán, J Thompson, S Cueto
BID, 2010
Did you get your shots? Experimental evidence on the role of reminders
M Busso, J Cristia, S Humpage
Journal of health economics 44, 226-237, 2015
Conexiones del desarrollo: Impacto de las nuevas tecnologías de la información
A Chong, A Cathles, G Crespi, M Grazzi, A Galindo, M Pinzón, ...
BID, 2011
Tecnología y desarrollo en la niñez: evidencia del programa Una Laptop por Niño
JP Cristia, P Ibarrarán, S Cueto, A Santiago, E Severín
BID, 2012
The empirical relationship between lifetime earnings and mortality
JP Cristia, AH DeLeire, H Iams, J Kile, J Manchester, N Meyerson, ...
Congressional Budget Office, 2007
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Articles 1–20