Penny L. Hubbard Cristinacce
Penny L. Hubbard Cristinacce
Research Fellow, University of Manchester
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Cited by
Orientationally invariant indices of axon diameter and density from diffusion MRI
DC Alexander, PL Hubbard, MG Hall, EA Moore, M Ptito, GJM Parker, ...
Neuroimage 52 (4), 1374-1389, 2010
Axon diameter mapping in the presence of orientation dispersion with diffusion MRI
H Zhang, PL Hubbard, GJM Parker, DC Alexander
Neuroimage 56 (3), 1301-1315, 2011
The CONNECT project: combining macro-and micro-structure
Y Assaf, DC Alexander, DK Jones, A Bizzi, TEJ Behrens, CA Clark, ...
Neuroimage 80, 273-282, 2013
Multidimensional diffusion MRI with spectrally modulated gradients reveals unprecedented microstructural detail
H Lundell, M Nilsson, TB Dyrby, GJM Parker, PLH Cristinacce, FL Zhou, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9026, 2019
Jet deposition in near-field electrospinning of patterned polycaprolactone and sugar-polycaprolactone core–shell fibres
FL Zhou, PL Hubbard, SJ Eichhorn, GJM Parker
Polymer 52 (16), 3603-3610, 2011
Biomimetic phantom for the validation of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
PL Hubbard, FL Zhou, SJ Eichhorn, GJM Parker
Magnetic resonance in medicine 73 (1), 299-305, 2015
Coaxially electrospun axon-mimicking fibers for diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
FL Zhou, PL Hubbard, SJ Eichhorn, GJM Parker
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4 (11), 6311-6316, 2012
A study of anisotropic water self-diffusion and defects in the lamellar mesophase
PL Hubbard, KM McGrath, PT Callaghan
Langmuir 21 (10), 4340-4346, 2005
Validation of tractography
PL Hubbard, GJM Parker
Diffusion MRI, 453-480, 2014
Diffusion, relaxation, and chemical exchange in casein gels: A nuclear magnetic resonance study
A Gottwald, LK Creamer, PL Hubbard, PT Callaghan
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (3), 2005
Feasibility assessment of using oxygen-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating the effect of pharmacological treatment in COPD
AR Morgan, GJM Parker, C Roberts, GA Buonaccorsi, NC Maguire, ...
European Journal of Radiology 83 (11), 2093-2101, 2014
Z-spectroscopy with alternating-phase irradiation
J Närväinen, PL Hubbard, RA Kauppinen, GA Morris
Journal of magnetic resonance 207 (2), 242-250, 2010
Preparation and characterization of polycaprolactone microspheres by electrospraying
FL Zhou, PL Hubbard Cristinacce, SJ Eichhorn, GJM Parker
Aerosol Science and Technology 50 (11), 1201-1215, 2016
Production and cross-sectional characterization of aligned co-electrospun hollow microfibrous bulk assemblies
FL Zhou, GJM Parker, SJ Eichhorn, PLH Cristinacce
Materials characterization 109, 25-35, 2015
Hollow polycaprolactone microspheres with/without a single surface hole by co-electrospraying
FL Zhou, A Chirazi, JE Gough, PL Hubbard Cristinacce, GJM Parker
Langmuir 33 (46), 13262-13271, 2017
Imaging atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis: evidence for increased prevalence, altered phenotype and a link between systemic and localised plaque inflammation
S Skeoch, PLH Cristinacce, H Williams, P Pemberton, D Xu, J Sun, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 827, 2017
COPD Patients Have Short Lung Magnetic Resonance T 1 Relaxation Time
DF Alamidi, AR Morgan, PL Hubbard Cristinacce, LH Nordenmark, ...
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 13 (2), 153-159, 2016
Quantitative assessment of liver function using gadoxetate-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging: monitoring transporter-mediated processes in healthy volunteers
L Georgiou, J Penny, G Nicholls, N Woodhouse, FX Blé, PLH Cristinacce, ...
Investigative Radiology 52 (2), 111-119, 2017
Biomimetic phantom for cardiac diffusion MRI
I Teh, FL Zhou, PL Hubbard Cristinacce, GJM Parker, JE Schneider
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 43 (3), 594-600, 2016
A biomimetic tumor tissue phantom for validating diffusion‐weighted MRI measurements
DJ McHugh, FL Zhou, I Wimpenny, G Poologasundarampillai, JH Naish, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 80 (1), 147-158, 2018
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Articles 1–20