Jeffrey Michael Vincent
Jeffrey Michael Vincent
Center for Cities + Schools, UC Berkeley
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Public schools as public infrastructure: Roles for planning researchers
JM Vincent
Journal of Planning Education and Research 25 (4), 433-437, 2006
Growth and Disparity: A Decade of US Public School Construction.
MW Filardo, JM Vincent, P Sung, T Stein
21st Century School Fund, 2006
Engaging schools in urban revitalization: The Y-PLAN (Youth—Plan, learn, act, now!)
DL McKoy, JM Vincent
Journal of Planning Education and Research 26 (4), 389-403, 2007
How important is improved water infrastructure to microenterprises? Evidence from Uganda
J Davis, A Kang, J Vincent, D Whittington
World Development 29 (10), 1753-1767, 2001
Promoting physical activity through the shared use of school recreational spaces: A policy statement from the American Heart Association
DR Young, JO Spengler, N Frost, KR Evenson, JM Vincent, L Whitsel
American Journal of Public Health 104 (9), 1583-1588, 2014
Housing and education: The inextricable link
DL McKoy, JM Vincent
Segregation: The rising costs for America, 125-150, 2008
How crumbling school facilities perpetuate inequality
M Filardo, JM Vincent, K Sullivan
Phi Delta Kappan 100 (8), 27-31, 2019
Joint use of public schools: a framework for a new social contract
M Filardo, JM Vincent, M Allen, J Franklin
Joint use of public schools: A framework for promoting healthy communities
JM Vincent
Journal of Planning Education and Research 34 (2), 153-168, 2014
Building schools, rethinking quality? Early lessons from Los Angeles
B Fuller, L Dauter, A Hosek, G Kirschenbaum, D McKoy, J Rigby, ...
Journal of Educational Administration 47 (3), 336-349, 2009
Integrating infrastructure planning: The role of schools
D McKoy, JM Vincent, C Makarewicz
Access Magazine 1 (33), 18-26, 2008
Opportunity-rich schools and sustainable communities: Seven steps to align high-quality education with innovations in city and metropolitan planning and development
D McKoy, JM Vincent, AH Bierbaum
Beyond the yellow bus: Promising practices for maximizing access to opportunity through innovations in student transportation
JM Vincent, C Makarewicz, R Miller, J Ehrman, DL McKoy
The impact of state regulations on the costs of public school construction
JM Vincent, P Monkkonen
Journal of education finance, 313-330, 2010
Going It Alone: Can California’s K-12 School Districts Adequately and Equitably Fund School Facilities?
JM Vincent, LS Jain
California’s K-12 educational infrastructure investments: Leveraging the state’s role for quality school facilities in sustainable communities
JM Vincent
Center for Cities & Schools Publication 1 (1), 1-75, 2012
Partnerships for joint use: expanding the use of public school infrastructure to benefit students and communities
JM Vincent
University of California, Berkeley, Center for Cities and Schools, 1-40, 2010
Small Districts, Big Challenges: Barriers to Planning and Funding School Facilities in California's Rural and Small Public School Districts.
JM Vincent
Center for Cities & Schools, 2018
How Much Does Public School Facility Funding Depend on Property Wealth?
EJ Brunner, D Schwegman, JM Vincent
Education Finance and Policy 18 (1), 25-51, 2023
Adequate & equitable US pk–12 infrastructure: Priority actions for systemic reform
M Filardo, JM Vincent
A Report from the Planning for PK-12 School Infrastructure National …, 2017
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Articles 1–20