Benjamin Attia
Benjamin Attia
Center for Energy & Environmental Policy at the University of Delaware
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Cited by
Unlocking utilities of the future in Sub-Saharan Africa
R Shirley, B Attia
Duke Global Working Paper Series, 2020
Lessons for modernizing energy access finance, part 2–balancing competition and subsidy: assessing mini-grid incentive programs in Sub-Saharan Africa
J Phillips, B Attia, V Plutshack
NI PB, 20-07, 2020
Distributed models for grid extension could save African utilities billions of dollars
B Attia, R Shirley
Greentech Media URL: https://www. greentechmedia. com/articles/read/grid …, 2018
Demand in the dark: estimating the true scale of unmet electricity demand in Sub-Saharan Africa
S Garg, B Attia, B Handler, M Bazilian
The Electricity Journal 35 (8), 107189, 2022
Negotiated Solar Rights Conflict Resolution: A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Public and Private Processes
JM Duke, B Attia
J. Envtl. & Sustainability L. 22, 1, 2015
Lessons from the proliferating mini-grid incentive programs in Africa
J Phillips, B Attia, V Plutshack
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization …, 2020
Financing energy access through community participatory equity: building and modeling a multidimensional energy access framework for rural community-level PV micro-grids to …
BM Attia
University of Delaware, 2016
Cost-Reduction Strategies in the Solar Photovoltaic Industry: Economies of Scale in Soft Costs and Industry-Level Modularity as Tools to Increase Competition
B Attia
University of Delaware, 2015
The Scale of the Energy Access Gap
BM Attia
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Articles 1–9