Jaysree Pan
Jaysree Pan
Researcher at DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark
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Theoretical and experimental investigation of Raman modes, ferroelectric and dielectric properties of relaxor Na0. 5Bi0. 5TiO3
MK Niranjan, T Karthik, S Asthana, J Pan, UV Waghmare
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (19), 2013
Temperature Dependent Reversible pnp Type Conduction Switching with Colossal Change in Thermopower of Semiconducting AgCuS
SN Guin, J Pan, A Bhowmik, D Sanyal, UV Waghmare, K Biswas
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (36), 12712-12720, 2014
Ternary ruthenium complex hydrides for ammonia synthesis via the associative mechanism
Q Wang, J Pan, J Guo, HA Hansen, H Xie, L Jiang, L Hua, H Li, Y Guan, ...
Nature Catalysis 4 (11), 959-967, 2021
Soft phonon modes leading to ultralow thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric performance in AgCuTe
S Roychowdhury, MK Jana, J Pan, SN Guin, D Sanyal, UV Waghmare, ...
Angewandte Chemie 130 (15), 4107-4111, 2018
Alteration of Electronic Band Structure via a Metal–Semiconductor Interfacial Effect Enables High Faradaic Efficiency for Electrochemical Nitrogen Fixation
A Biswas, S Nandi, N Kamboj, J Pan, A Bhowmik, RS Dey
ACS nano 15 (12), 20364-20376, 2021
Vanadium oxynitrides as stable catalysts for electrochemical reduction of nitrogen to ammonia: the role of oxygen
J Pan, HA Hansen, T Vegge
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020
Crystal structure and band gap engineering in polyoxometalate-based inorganic–organic hybrids
S Roy, S Sarkar, J Pan, UV Waghmare, R Dhanya, C Narayana, SC Peter
Inorganic Chemistry 55 (7), 3364-3377, 2016
Effect of Nitrogen and Fluorine Co‐substitution on the Structure and Magnetic Properties of Cr2O3
J Pan, UV Waghmare, N Kumar, CO Ehi‐Eromosele, CNR Rao
ChemPhysChem 16 (7), 1502-1508, 2015
Effect of co-substitution of nitrogen and fluorine in BaTiO3 on ferroelectricity and other properties
N Kumar, J Pan, N Aysha, UV Waghmare, A Sundaresan, CNR Rao
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (34), 345901, 2013
Aliovalent cation ordering, coexisting ferroelectric structures, and electric field induced phase transformation in lead-free ferroelectric Na0. 5Bi0. 5TiO3
J Pan, MK Niranjan, UV Waghmare
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (12), 2016
Preparation, structure study and electrochemistry of layered H 2 V 3 O 8 materials: High capacity lithium-ion battery cathode
SM Sudeep Sarkar, Arghya Bhowmik, Jaysree Pan , Mridula Dixit Bharadwaj
Journal of Power Sources 329, 2016
Balanced nitrogen and hydrogen chemisorption by [RuH6] catalytic center favors low-temperature NH3 synthesis
J Pan, Q Wang, J Guo, HA Hansen, P Chen, T Vegge
Cell Reports Physical Science 3 (7), 100970, 2022
High tunability of the work function of (001) surface of ReO3 with O-vacancies: First principles analysis
S Suchitra, J Pan, UV Waghmare
Journal of Applied Physics 116 (3), 2014
Real-time structural dynamics of the ultrafast solvation process around photo-excited aqueous halides
V Markmann, J Pan, BL Hansen, ML Haubro, A Nimmrich, P Lenzen, ...
Chemical Science 15 (29), 11391-11401, 2024
Growth Kinetics of Single–Crystals of Spinel in Slag
J Pan
Correction: Real-time structural dynamics of the ultrafast solvation process around photo-excited aqueous halides
V Markmann, J Pan, BL Hansen, ML Haubro, A Nimmrich, P Lenzen, ...
Chemical Science 15 (34), 14044-14044, 2024
Time Resolve Investigation of the Evolution of Solvation Shell Following Photo-Induced Electron Removal from Halides
J Pan, V Markmann, AO Dohn, K Haldrup
International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Tu4A. 27, 2022
Computational design of catalysts for the sustainable reduction of nitrogen into ammonia
J Pan
Technical University of Denmark, 2020
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Articles 1–18