Tamás Gál
Tamás Gál
University of Szeged, Department of Atmospheric and Geospatial Data Sciences
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Computing continuous sky view factors using 3D urban raster and vector databases: comparison and application to urban climate
T Gál, F Lindberg, J Unger
Theoretical and applied climatology 95, 111-123, 2009
Detection of ventilation paths using high-resolution roughness parameter mapping in a large urban area
T Gál, J Unger
Building and environment 44 (1), 198-206, 2009
Generating WUDAPT Level 0 data–Current status of production and evaluation
B Bechtel, PJ Alexander, C Beck, J Böhner, O Brousse, J Ching, ...
Urban climate 27, 24-45, 2019
Design of an urban monitoring network based on Local Climate Zone mapping and temperature pattern modelling
E Lelovics, J Unger, T Gál, CV Gál
Climate research 60 (1), 51-62, 2014
Employing an urban meteorological network to monitor air temperature conditions in the ‘local climate zones’ of Szeged, Hungary
N Skarbit, ID Stewart, J Unger, T Gál
International Journal of Climatology 37, 582-596, 2017
Comparison of models calculating the sky view factor used for urban climate investigations
M Hämmerle, T Gál, J Unger, A Matzarakis
Theoretical and applied climatology 105, 521-527, 2011
Simulation of the mean urban heat island using 2D surface parameters: empirical modelling, verification and extension
B Balázs, J Unger, T Gál, Z Sümeghy, J Geiger, S Szegedi
Meteorological Applications: A journal of forecasting, practical …, 2009
Local Climate Zone mapping using GIS methods in Szeged
J Unger, E Lelovics, T Gál
Hungarian Geographical Bulletin 63 (1), 29-41, 2014
Modelling of the annual mean urban heat island pattern for planning of representative urban climate station network
J Unger, S Savić, T Gál
Advances in meteorology 2011 (1), 398613, 2011
Comparison between sky view factor values computed by two different methods in an urban environment
TM Gál, M Rzepa, B Gromek, J Unger
Acta Climatologica et chorologica 40, 17-26, 2007
Comparison of two different Local Climate Zone mapping methods
T Gál, B Bechtel, J Unger
Integration of an LCZ-based classification into WRF to assess the intra-urban temperature pattern under a heatwave period in Szeged, Hungary
G Molnár, AZ Gyöngyösi, T Gál
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 138, 1139-1158, 2019
A new software tool for SVF calculations using building and tree-crown databases
T Gál, J Unger
Urban Climate 10, 594-606, 2014
Evaluation of outdoor human thermal sensation of local climate zones based on long-term database
J Unger, N Skarbit, T Gál
International journal of biometeorology 62, 183-193, 2018
Modeling of the urban heat island pattern based on the relationship between surface and air temperatures
J Unger, TM Gál, J Rakonczai, L Mucsi, J Szatmari, Z Tobak, ...
Időjárás/Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service 114 (4 …, 2010
Heat load assessment in Central European cities using an urban climate model and observational monitoring data
A Bokwa, J Geletič, M Lehnert, M Žuvela-Aloise, B Hollósi, T Gál, ...
Energy and Buildings 201, 53-69, 2019
Mapping the roughness parameters in a large urban area for urban climate applications
TM Gál, Z Sümeghy
Acta Climatologica ET Chorologica 40, 27-36, 2007
Airborne surface temperature differences of the different Local Climate Zones in the urban area of a medium sized city
N Skarbit, T Gál, J Unger
2015 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), 1-4, 2015
Numerical modelling for analysis of the effect of different urban green spaces on urban heat load patterns in the present and in the future
T Gál, SI Mahó, N Skarbit, J Unger
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 87, 101600, 2021
Intra-urban temperature observations in two Central European cities: a summer study
E Lelovics, J Unger, S Savić, TM Gál, D Milosevic, Á Gulyás, V Markovic, ...
Időjárás/Quarterly Journal of The Hungarian Meteorological Service, 2016
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Articles 1–20