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Effects of the spatial organization of agricultural management on the hydrological behaviour of a farmed catchment during flood events
R Moussa, M Voltz, P Andrieux
Hydrological processes 16 (2), 393-412, 2002
Herbicide transport to surface waters at field and watershed scales in a Mediterranean vineyard area
X Louchart, M Voltz, P Andrieux, R Moussa
Journal of environmental quality 30 (3), 982-991, 2001
Comparison of infiltration models to simulate flood events at the field scale
N Chahinian, R Moussa, P Andrieux, M Voltz
Journal of Hydrology 306 (1-4), 191-214, 2005
Infiltration characteristics of soils in Mediterranean vineyards in Southern France
J Leonard, P Andrieux
Catena 32 (3-4), 209-223, 1998
Spatio-temporal distribution of soil surface moisture in a heterogeneously farmed Mediterranean catchment
O Hébrard, M Voltz, P Andrieux, R Moussa
Journal of Hydrology 329 (1-2), 110-121, 2006
Diuron and simazine losses to runoff water in Mediterranean vineyards
B Lennartz, X Louchart, M Voltz, P Andrieux
Journal of Environmental Quality 26 (6), 1493-1502, 1997
Soil tillage and scale effects on erosion from fields to catchment in a Mediterranean vineyard area
D Raclot, Y Le Bissonnais, X Louchart, P Andrieux, R Moussa, M Voltz
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 134 (3-4), 201-210, 2009
Contribution of groundwater and overland flows to storm flow generation in a cultivated Mediterranean catchment. Quantification by natural chemical tracing
O Ribolzi, P Andrieux, V Valles, R Bouzigues, T Bariac, M Voltz
Journal of Hydrology 233 (1-4), 241-257, 2000
Fuzziness and uncertainty of soil boundaries: from reality to coding in GIS
P Lagacherie, P Andrieux, R Bouzigues
Geographic objects with indeterminate boundaries, 275-286, 2020
Remote sensing of soil surface characteristics from a multiscale classification approach
C Corbane, D Raclot, F Jacob, J Albergel, P Andrieux
Catena 75 (3), 308-318, 2008
Vineyard identification and description of spatial crop structure by per-field frequency analysis
T Wassenaar, JM Robbez-Masson, P Andrieux, F Baret
International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (17), 3311-3325, 2002
Accounting for temporal variation in soil hydrological properties when simulating surface runoff on tilled plots
N Chahinian, R Moussa, P Andrieux, M Voltz
Journal of Hydrology 326 (1-4), 135-152, 2006
Reliability of an expert-based runoff and erosion model: application of STREAM to different environments
O Evrard, O Cerdan, B van Wesemael, M Chauvet, Y Le Bissonnais, ...
Catena 78 (2), 129-141, 2009
Soil surface infiltration capacity classification based on the bi-directional reflectance distribution function sampled by aerial photographs. The case of vineyards in a …
T Wassenaar, P Andrieux, F Baret, JM Robbez-Masson
Catena 62 (2-3), 94-110, 2005
Assessment of copper bioavailability and toxicity in vineyard runoff waters by DPASV and algal bioassay
A Devez, E Gomez, R Gilbin, F Elbaz-Poulichet, F Persin, P Andrieux, ...
Science of the total environment 348 (1-3), 82-92, 2005
Le bassin versant de Roujan: caractéristiques générales du milieu
P Andrieux, R Bouzigues, C Joseph, M Voltz, P Lagacherie, M Bourlet
INRA; UR Science du Sol Montpellier, 1993
Multitemporal analysis of hydrological soil surface characteristics using aerial photos: A case study on a Mediterranean vineyard
C Corbane, F Jacob, D Raclot, J Albergel, P Andrieux
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 18 …, 2012
Oryzalin fate and transport in runoff water in Mediterranean vineyards
X Louchart, M Voltz, G Coulouma, P Andrieux
Chemosphere 57 (8), 921-930, 2004
OMERE: A long‐term observatory of soil and water resources, in interaction with agricultural and land management in Mediterranean hilly catchments
J Molenat, D Raclot, R Zitouna, P Andrieux, G Coulouma, D Feurer, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-18, 2018
Dynamique de la mobilisation et du transfert du diuron par ruissellement
X Louchart, M Voltz, P Andrieux
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series IIA-Earth and Planetary …, 2000
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