Bertin Martens
Cited by
Cited by
The institutional economics of foreign aid
B Martens, U Mummert, P Murrell, P Seabright
Cambridge University Press, 2002
Scoping the sharing economy: Origins, definitions, impact and regulatory issues
C Codagnone
Cristiano Codagnone and Bertin Martens, Scoping the Sharing Economy: Origins …, 2016
The drivers and impediments for cross-border e-commerce in the EU
E Gomez-Herrera, B Martens, G Turlea
Information Economics and Policy 28, 83-96, 2014
Reinventing Foreign Aid
W Easterly
MIT Press, 2008
Why do aid agencies exist?
B Martens
Development policy review 23 (6), 643-663, 2005
Digital music consumption on the internet: Evidence from clickstream data
L Aguiar, B Martens
Information Economics and Policy 34, 27-43, 2016
The digital transformation of news media and the rise of disinformation and fake news
B Martens, L Aguiar, E Gomez-Herrera, F Mueller-Langer
Digital Economy Working Paper 2018-02, Joint Research Centre Technical Reports, 2018
The EU digital markets act: a report from a panel of economic experts
L Cabral, J Haucap, G Parker, G Petropoulos, TM Valletti, ...
Cabral, L., Haucap, J., Parker, G., Petropoulos, G., Valletti, T., and Van …, 2021
The economics of ownership, access and trade in digital data
N Duch-Brown, B Martens, F Mueller-Langer
JRC Digital Economy Working Paper 2017-01, 2017
An economic policy perspective on online platforms
B Martens
Bertin Martens (2016) An Economic Policy Perspective on Online Platforms …, 2016
The cognitive mechanics of economic development and institutional change
B Martens
Routledge, 2004
The digital transformation of news media and the rise of disinformation and fake news-An economic perspective
B Martens, L Aguiar, E Gomez-Herrera, F Mueller-Langer
JRC Digit. Econ. Work. Pap 2, 57, 2018
Artificial intelligence: A European perspective
A Annoni, P Benczur, P Bertoldi, B Delipetrev, G De Prato, C Feijoo, ...
Joint Research Centre (Seville site), 2018
Business-to-Business data sharing: An economic and legal analysis
B Martens, A De Streel, I Graef, T Tombal, N Duch-Brown
EU Science Hub, 2020
What does economic research tell us about cross-border e-commerce in the EU Digital Single Market?
B Martens
Available at SSRN 2265305, 2013
The macro-economic impact of e-commerce in the EU digital single market
M Cardona, N Duch-Brown, J Francois, B Martens, F Yang
Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Digital Economy Working Paper, 2015
The role of evaluation in foreign aid programmes
B Martens
The institutional economics of foreign aid, 154-177, 2002
Competition problems and governance of non-personal agricultural machine data: Comparing voluntary initiatives in the US and EU
C Atik, B Martens
J. Intell. Prop. Info. Tech. & Elec. Com. L. 12, 370, 2021
Rural Development and Labour-Intensive Schemes-Impact of Studies of Some Pilot Programmes
J Guade, A Guichaoua, B Martens, S Miller
Int'l Lab. Rev. 126, 423, 1987
Will this time be different? A review of the literature on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment, Incomes and Growth
B Martens, S Tolan
JRC Digital Economy Working Paper 2018-08, 2018
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Articles 1–20