Christopher J. Coutts
Cited by
Cited by
Green infrastructure, ecosystem services, and human health
C Coutts, M Hahn
International journal of environmental research and public health 12 (8 …, 2015
Neighborhood urban form, social environment, and depression
R Miles, C Coutts, A Mohamadi
Journal of Urban Health 89, 1-18, 2012
Using geographical information system to model the effects of green space accessibility on mortality in Florida
C Coutts, M Horner, T Chapin
Geocarto International 25 (6), 471-484, 2010
Planning for the disposal of the dead
C Basmajian, C Coutts
Journal of the American planning association 76 (3), 305-317, 2010
Emerging issues in urban ecology: Implications for research, social justice, human health, and well-being
V Jennings, MF Floyd, D Shanahan, C Coutts, A Sinykin
Population and Environment 39, 69-86, 2017
Greenway accessibility and physical activity behavior
CJ Coutts
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 35 (3), 31-38, 2008
County-level effects of green space access on physical activity
C Coutts, T Chapin, M Horner, C Taylor
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 10 (2), 232-240, 2013
Cities and health: An evolving global conversation
C Grant, M., Brown, C., Caiaffa, W. T., Capon, A., Corburn, J., Coutts, C ...
Cities & Health 1 (1), 1-9, 2017
Green Infrastructure and Public Health
C Coutts
Routledge, 2016
The portrayal of natural environment in the evolution of the ecological public health paradigm
C Coutts, A Forkink, J Weiner
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11 (1 …, 2014
Projecting landscapes of death
C Coutts, C Basmajian, T Chapin
Landscape and Urban Planning 102 (4), 254-261, 2011
Natural burial as a land conservation tool in the US
C Coutts, C Basmajian, J Sehee, S Kelty, PC Williams
Landscape and urban planning 178, 130-143, 2018
Multiple case studies of the influence of land-use type on the distribution of uses along urban river greenways
C Coutts
Journal of Urban Planning and Development 135 (1), 31-38, 2009
Greenways as green magnets: The relationship between the race of greenway users and race in proximal neighborhoods
CJ Coutts, R Miles
Journal of Leisure Research 43 (3), 317-333, 2011
Ecosystem Services, and Human Health
C Coutts, HMG Infrastructure
Int J Environ Res Public Health 12 (8), 9768-98, 2015
Public health ecology
C Coutts
Journal of environmental health, 2010
Guest editors' introduction: Governing the sustainable city
RC Feiock, C Coutts
Cityscape, 1-7, 2013
Guest Commentary: Putting the Capital “E” Environment Into Ecological Models of Health
CJ Coutts, C Taylor
Journal of Environmental Health 74 (4), 26-29, 2011
A multiple case study of local & creative financing of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure
S Miller, C Coutts
Case studies on transport policy 6 (2), 257-264, 2018
Biophilic cities and health
S Milliken, B Kotzen, S Walimbe, C Coutts, T Beatley
Cities & Health 7 (2), 175-188, 2023
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Articles 1–20