Dr. Sridhar Patra, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IISWC, Dehradun India
Dr. Sridhar Patra, Principal Scientist, ICAR-IISWC, Dehradun India
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Cited by
Effects of fertilization on soil aggregation, carbon distribution and carbon management index of maize-wheat rotation in the north-western Indian Himalayas
BN Ghosh, VS Meena, RJ Singh, NM Alam, S Patra, R Bhattacharyya, ...
Ecological Indicators 105, 415-424, 2019
Energy budgeting and emergy synthesis of rainfed maize–wheat rotation system with different soil amendment applications
RJ Singh, BN Ghosh, NK Sharma, S Patra, KS Dadhwal, PK Mishra
Ecological indicators 61, 753-765, 2016
Effect of seven years of nutrient supplementation through organic and inorganic sources on productivity, soil and water conservation, and soil fertility changes of maize-wheat …
RJ Singh, BN Ghosh, NK Sharma, S Patra, KS Dadhwal, VS Meena, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 249, 177-186, 2017
Soil hydraulic response to conservation agriculture under irrigated intensive cereal-based cropping systems in a semiarid climate
S Patra, S Julich, KH Feger, ML Jat, H Jat, PC Sharma, K Schwärzel
Soil and Tillage Research 192, 151-163, 2019
Effect of conservation agriculture on stratification of soil organic matter under cereal-based cropping systems
S Patra, S Julich, KH Feger, ML Jat, PC Sharma, K Schwärzel
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65 (14), 2013-2028, 2019
Effect of different canopy management practices on rainfall partitioning in Morus alba
R Kaushal, A Kumar, NM Alam, D Mandal, J Jayaparkash, JMS Tomar, ...
Ecological Engineering 102, 374-380, 2017
Near-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity and pore characteristics as influenced by conventional and conservation tillage practices in North-West Himalayan region, India
D Singh, AK Mishra, S Patra, S Mariappan, N Singh
International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 2021
Development of degraded ravine lands of Western India using Sapota (Achras zapota) plantation with terracing vs. trenching‐on‐slope‐based conservation …
R Kumar, AK Bhardwaj, BK Rao, AK Vishwakarma, PR Bhatnagar, ...
Land Degradation & Development 32 (1), 101-111, 2021
Critical evaluation of functional aspects of evaporation barriers through environmental and economics lens for evaporation suppression-A review on milestones from improved …
AM Abdallah, CM Parihar, S Patra, HS Nayak, YS Saharawat, U Singh, ...
Science of the Total Environment 788, 147800, 2021
Surface soil hydraulic conductivity and macro-pore characteristics as affected by four bamboo species in North-Western Himalaya, India
S Patra, R Kaushal, D Singh, R Kumar, ...
Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 2021
Co-implementation of precision nutrient management in long-term conservation agriculture-based systems: A step towards sustainable energy-water-food nexus
CM Parihar, BR Meena, HS Nayak, K Patra, DR Sena, R Singh, SL Jat, ...
Energy 254, 124243, 2022
Process-based modelling of soil erosion: scope and limitation in the Indian context
SKK al
Current Science, 2022
Untangling the effect of soil quality on rice productivity under a 16-years long-term fertilizer experiment using conditional random forest
S Garnaik, PK Samant, M Mandal, TR Mohanty, SK Dwibedi, RK Patra, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197, 106965, 2022
Impacts of Soil Erosion on Soil Quality and Agricultural Sustainability in the North-Western Himalayan Region of India
D Mandal, S Patra, NK Sharma, NM Alam, C Jana, R Lal
Sustainability 15 (6), 5430, 2023
Incidence of Escherichia coli in Vegetable Crops and Soil Profile Drip Irrigated with Primarily Treated MunicipalWastewater in a Semi-Arid Peri Urban Area
D Singh, N Patel, A Gadedjisso-Tossou, S Patra, N Singh, PK Singh
Agriculture 10 (291), 1-16, 2020
Effect of geojute technique on density, diversity and carbon stock of plant species in landslide site of North West Himalaya
H Mehta, R Kumar, MA Dar, GP Juyal, S Patra, S Dobhal, AC Rathore, ...
Journal of Mountain Science 15 (9), 1961-1971, 2018
Influence of long-term tillage and diversified cropping systems on hydro-physical properties in a sandy loam soil of North-Western India
SP al
Soil and Tillage Research, 2023
Temporal variation of saturated and near-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity and water-conducting macroporosity in a maize-wheat rotation under conventional and conservation …
Singh, Deepak, Patra Sridhar, Mishra A.K., Sankar, M
Land Degradation and Development, 2022
In-situ soil moisture conservation in bamboos for the rehabilitation of degraded lands in the Himalayan foothills
R Kaushal, A Kumar, S Patra
Ecological Engineering 10 (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.), 106437, 2021
Probabilistic drought analysis of weekly rainfall data using Markov chain model
NM Alam, GC Sharma, C Jana, S Patra, NK Sharma, A Raizada, ...
Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, 105-114, 2015
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Articles 1–20