Johannes Bloemer
Johannes Bloemer
Professor for Computer Science, Paderborn University
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Cited by
Priority encoding transmission
A Albanese, J Blomer, J Edmonds, M Luby, M Sudan
IEEE transactions on information theory 42 (6), 1737-1744, 1996
An XOR-based erasure-resilient coding scheme
J Blomer
Technical report at ICSI, 1995
Fault based cryptanalysis of the advanced encryption standard (AES)
J Blömer, JP Seifert
Financial Cryptography: 7th International Conference, FC 2003, Guadeloupe …, 2003
Provably secure masking of AES
J Blömer, J Guajardo, V Krummel
International workshop on selected areas in cryptography, 69-83, 2004
Approximate matching of polygonal shapes
H Alt, B Behrends, J Blömer
Proceedings of the seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry, 186-193, 1991
A new CRT-RSA algorithm secure against bellcore attacks
J Blömer, M Otto, JP Seifert
Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2003
System for packetizing data encoded corresponding to priority levels where reconstructed data corresponds to fractionalized priority level and received fractionalized packets
A Albanese, MG Luby, JF Bloemer, JA Edmonds
US Patent 5,617,541, 1997
Clustering for metric and nonmetric distance measures
MR Ackermann, J Blömer, C Sohler
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG) 6 (4), 1-26, 2010
Sign change fault attacks on elliptic curve cryptosystems
J Blömer, M Otto, JP Seifert
Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography: Third International Workshop …, 2006
New partial key exposure attacks on RSA
J Blömer, A May
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 27-43, 2003
Analysis of agglomerative clustering
MR Ackermann, J Blömer, D Kuntze, C Sohler
Algorithmica 69, 184-215, 2014
Theoretical Analysis of the k-Means Algorithm – A Survey
J Blömer, C Lammersen, M Schmidt, C Sohler
Algorithm Engineering: Selected Results and Surveys, 81-116, 2016
The rank of sparse random matrices over finite fields
J Blömer, R Karp, E Welzl
Random Structures & Algorithms 10 (4), 407-419, 1997
A generalized Wiener attack on RSA
J Blömer, A May
International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 1-13, 2004
Low secret exponent RSA revisited
J Blömer, A May
Cryptography and Lattices: International Conference, CaLC 2001 Providence …, 2001
On the complexity of computing short linearly independent vectors and short bases in a lattice
J Blömer, JP Seifert
Proceedings of the thirty-first annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 1999
Fault based collision attacks on AES
J Blömer, V Krummel
International Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography, 106-120, 2006
Sampling methods for shortest vectors, closest vectors and successive minima
J Blömer, S Naewe
Theoretical Computer Science 410 (18), 1648-1665, 2009
A tool kit for finding small roots of bivariate polynomials over the integers
J Blömer, A May
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2005: 24th Annual International Conference …, 2005
Simple methods for initializing the em algorithm for gaussian mixture models
J Blömer, K Bujna
CoRR, 2013
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Articles 1–20