Stacy Bonos
Stacy Bonos
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Growth responses and performance of Kentucky bluegrass under summer stress
SA Bonos, JA Murphy
Crop science 39 (3), 770-774, 1999
Genomic mechanisms of climate adaptation in polyploid bioenergy switchgrass
JT Lovell, AH MacQueen, S Mamidi, J Bonnette, J Jenkins, JD Napier, ...
Nature, 1-7, 2021
Evaluation of drought resistance for Texas bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and their hybrids
EM Abraham, B Huang, SA Bonos, WA Meyer
Crop Science 44 (5), 1746-1753, 2004
Miscanthus × giganteus productivity: the effects of management in different environments
M Maughan, G Bollero, DK Lee, R Darmody, S Bonos, L Cortese, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 4 (3), 253-265, 2012
Biotic responses in endophytic grasses
AJ Popay
Neotyphodium in cool-season grasses, 2005
Genetic diversity of twelve switchgrass populations using molecular and morphological markers
LM Cortese, J Honig, C Miller, SA Bonos
Bioenergy Research 3 (3), 262-271, 2010
Improving sugarcane for biofuel: engineering for an even better feedstock
E Lam, J Shine Jr, J Da Silva, M Lawton, S Bonos, M Calvino, H Carrer, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 1 (3), 251-255, 2009
Breeding for disease resistance in the major cool-season turfgrasses
SA Bonos, BB Clarke, WA Meyer
Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 44, 213-234, 2006
Selection for deep root production in tall fescue and perennial ryegrass
SA Bonos, D Rush, K Hignight, WA Meyer
Crop Science 44 (5), 1770-1775, 2004
Suppression of red thread in fine fescues through endophyte‐mediated resistance
SA Bonos, MM Wilson, WA Meyer, C Reed Funk
Applied Turfgrass Science 2 (1), 1-7, 2005
Endophyte infection can contribute to aluminum tolerance in fine fescues
DE Zaurov, S Bonos, JA Murphy, M Richardson, FC Belanger
Crop science 41 (6), 1981-1984, 2001
Anthracnose disease of switchgrass caused by the novel fungal species Colletotrichum navitas
JA Crouch, LA Beirn, LM Cortese, SA Bonos, BB Clarke
Mycological research 113 (12), 1411-1421, 2009
Fine fescues: A review of the species, their improvement, production, establishment, and management
RC Braun, AJ Patton, E Watkins, PL Koch, NP Anderson, SA Bonos, ...
Crop Science, 2020
Biomass production of herbaceous energy crops in the United States: field trial results and yield potential maps from the multiyear regional feedstock partnership
DK Lee, E Aberle, EK Anderson, W Anderson, BS Baldwin, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 10 (10), 698-716, 2018
Inheritance of dollar spot resistance in creeping bentgrass
SA Bonos, MD Casler, WA Meyer
Crop science 43 (6), 2189-2196, 2003
Drought stress responses and recovery of Texas× Kentucky hybrids and Kentucky bluegrass genotypes in temperate climate conditions
E Merewitz, W Meyer, S Bonos, B Huang
Agronomy Journal 102 (1), 258-268, 2010
Transgenic creeping bentgrass with delayed dollar spot symptoms
Z Guo, S Bonos, WA Meyer, PR Day, FC Belanger
Molecular Breeding 11 (2), 95-101, 2003
Cool‐season grasses: Biology and breeding
SA Bonos, DR Huff
Turfgrass: Biology, use, and management 56, 591-660, 2013
Ploidy determination in Agrostis using flow cytometry and morphological traits
SA Bonos, KA Plumley, WA Meyer
Crop science 42 (1), 192-196, 2002
Dollar spot resistant hybrids between creeping bentgrass and colonial bentgrass
FC Belanger, S Bonos, WA Meyer
Crop science 44 (2), 581-586, 2004
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