Robert L Sanford Jr (Buck)
Robert L Sanford Jr (Buck)
Professor Emeritus School of Earth and Sustainability
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Cited by
Nutrient cycling in moist tropical forest
PM Vitousek, RL Sanford
Annual review of Ecology and Systematics, 137-167, 1986
Litter decomposition on the Mauna Loa environmental matrix, Hawai'i: patterns, mechanisms, and models
PM Vitousek, DR Turner, WJ Parton, RL Sanford
Ecology 75 (2), 418-429, 1994
Amazon Rain Forest Fires
RL Sanford Jr, RH J. Saldarriaga, C. Uhl
Science 227, 53-55, 1985
Treefall gap size effects on above‐and below‐ground processes in a tropical wet forest
JS Denslow, AM Ellison, RE Sanford
Journal of Ecology 86 (4), 597-609, 1998
Climate, geomorphology, and aquatic systems
La Selva: ecology and natural history of a neotropical rain forest, 19-33, 1994
Nitrogen saturation in the Rocky Mountains
MW Williams, JS Baron, N Caine, R Sommerfeld, R Sanford
Environmental Science & Technology 30 (2), 640-646, 1996
The effects of slash burning on ecosystem nutrients during the land preparation phase of shifting cultivation
CP Giardina, RL Sanford, IC Døckersmith, VJ Jaramillo
Plant and soil 220 (1), 247-260, 2000
Biomass and nutrient dynamics associated with slash fires in neotropical dry forests
JB Kauffman, RL Sanford Jr, DL Cummings, IH Salcedo, E Sampaio
Ecology 74 (1), 140-151, 1993
Changes in soil phosphorus and nitrogen during slash‐and‐burn clearing of a dry tropical forest
CP Giardina, RL Sanford, IC Døckersmith
Soil Science Society of America Journal 64 (1), 399-405, 2000
Soils and soil process research
P Sollins, F Sancho, R Mata, RL Sanford
La Selva: Ecology and natural history of a Neotropical rain forest, 34-53, 1994
Holocene fires in costa rica
SP Horn, RL Sanford Jr
Biotropica, 354-361, 1992
Hurricane effects on soil organic matter dynamics and forest production in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico: results of simulation modeling
RL Sanford Jr, WJ Parton, DS Ojima, DJ Lodge
Biotropica, 364-372, 1991
Woody-tissue respiration for Simarouba amara and Minquartia guianensis, two tropical wet forest trees with different growth habits
MG Ryan, RM Hubbard, DA Clark, RL Sanford
Oecologia 100, 213-220, 1994
Canopy openings in a primary neotropical lowland forest
RL Sanford, HE Braker, GS Hartshorn
Journal of Tropical Ecology 2 (3), 277-282, 1986
Effects of slash-and-burn management on soil aggregate organic C and N in a tropical deciduous forest
F Garcı́a-Oliva, RL Sanford Jr, E Kelly
Geoderma 88 (1-2), 1-12, 1999
Nutrient cycling in tropical deciduous forests
VJ Jaramillo
Seasonally dry tropical forests, 1995
Root growth and rhizosphere interactions in tropical forests
RL Sanford Jr, E Cuevas
Tropical forest plant ecophysiology, 268-300, 1996
Modeling soil organic matter dynamics in tropical soils
WJ Parton
Dynamics of soil organic matter in tropical ecosystems, 1989
Effects of harvest intensity, site preparation, and herbicide use on soil nitrogen transformations in a young loblolly pine plantation
J Vitousek, P. M., S. W. Andariese, P. A. Matson, L
Journal of Forest Ecology and Management 49 (1), 277-292, 1993
Heterogeneity of soil nutrients and subsurface biota in a dryland ecosystem
DC Housman, CM Yeager, BJ Darby, RL Sanford Jr, CR Kuske, DA Neher, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (8), 2138-2149, 2007
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Articles 1–20