Erick Mata-Montero
Cited by
Cited by
Going deeper in the automated identification of Herbarium specimens
J Carranza-Rojas, H Goeau, B Pierre, E Mata-Montero, A Joly
BMC Evolutionary Biology 17 (1), 181, 2017
Instance segmentation for the fine detection of crop and weed plants by precision agricultural robots
J Champ, A Mora‐Fallas, H Goëau, E Mata‐Montero, P Bonnet, A Joly
Applications in plant sciences 8 (7), e11373, 2020
Global biodiversity informatics outlook: delivering biodiversity knowledge in the information age
PJWS Hobern D, Apostolico A, Arnaud E, Bello JC, Canhos D, Dubois G, Field D ...
Global biodiversity information facility (Secretariat), 2017
Toward a large‐scale and deep phenological stage annotation of herbarium specimens: Case studies from temperate, tropical, and equatorial floras
T Lorieul, KD Pearson, ER Ellwood, H Goëau, JF Molino, PW Sweeney, ...
Applications in Plant Sciences 7 (3), e01233, 2019
Automated Plant Species Identification: Challenges and Opportunities
E Mata-Montero, A Carranza-Rojas
ICT for Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment 481, 26-36, 2016
Using a Convolutional Siamese Network for Image-Based Plant Species Identification with Small Datasets
G Figueroa-Mata, E Mata-Montero
Biomimetics 5 (1), 2020
A new fine‐grained method for automated visual analysis of herbarium specimens: A case study for phenological data extraction
H Goëau, A Mora‐Fallas, J Champ, NLR Love, SJ Mazer, ...
Applications in Plant Sciences 8 (6), e11368, 2020
Automated Image-based Identification of Forest Species: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st Century Xylotheques
G Figueroa-Mata, E Mata-Montero, JC Valverde-Otárola, D Arias-Aguilar
2018 IEEE International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI), 2018
Combining leaf shape and texture for Costa Rican plant species identification
J Carranza-Rojas, E Mata-Montero
CLEI Electronic journal 19 (1), 7-7, 2016
Automated identification of herbarium specimens at different taxonomic levels
J Carranza-Rojas, A Joly, H Goëau, E Mata-Montero, P Bonnet
Multimedia tools and applications for environmental & biodiversity …, 2018
Using Deep Convolutional Networks for Species Identification of Xylotheque Samples
G Figueroa-Mata, E Mata-Montero, JC Valverde-Otárola, D Arias-Aguilar
2018 IEEE International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI), 2018
A texture and curvature bimodal leaf recognition model for identification of costa rican plant species
E Mata-Montero, J Carranza-Rojas
2015 Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 1-12, 2015
Using deep learning to identify Costa Rican native tree species from wood cut images
G Figueroa-Mata, E Mata-Montero, JC Valverde-Otárola, D Arias-Aguilar, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 13, 789227, 2022
Hidden Biases in Automated Image-Based Plant Identification
J Carranza-Rojas, E Mata-Montero, H Goeau
2018 IEEE International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI), 1-9, 2018
Resilience of partial k‐tree networks with edge and node failures
E Mata‐Montero
Networks 21 (3), 321-344, 1991
Informatización del conocimiento para la conservación de la biodiversidad
E Mata
Ecosistemas 15 (2), 2006
Domain adaptation in the context of herbarium collections. A submission to PlantCLEF 2020
J Villacis, H Goëau, P Bonnet, A Joly, E Mata-Montero
CEUR-WS, 2020
Instance segmentation for automated weeds and crops detection in farmlands
A Mora-Fallas, H Goëau, A Joly, P Bonnet, E Mata-Montero
6th Latin America High Performance Computing Conference (CARLA) 33 (Extra 1 …, 2020
A First Glance into Reversing Senescence on Herbarium Sample Images Through Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
J Villacis-Llobet, M Lucio-Troya, M Calvo-Navarro, S Calderon-Ramirez, ...
Latin America High Performance Computing Conference (CARLA) 2019, 2019
Accelerating the automated detection, counting and measurements of reproductive organs in herbarium collections in the era of deep learning
A Mora-Fallas, H Goëau, SJ Mazer, N Love, E Mata-Montero, P Bonnet, ...
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Articles 1–20