Joshua Drucker
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Cited by
Assessing the regional economic development impacts of universities: A review of current approaches
J Drucker, H Goldstein
International regional science review 30 (1), 20-46, 2007
Understanding local economic development
E Malizia, EJ Feser, H Renski, J Drucker
Taylor & Francis, 2021
The economic development impacts of universities on regions: Do size and distance matter?
H Goldstein, J Drucker
Economic development quarterly 20 (1), 22-43, 2006
Regional industrial structure and agglomeration economies: An analysis of productivity in three manufacturing industries
J Drucker, E Feser
Regional Science and Urban Economics 42 (1-2), 1-14, 2012
Which indicators explain metropolitan economic performance best? Traditional or creative class
M Donegan, J Drucker, H Goldstein, N Lowe, E Malizia
Journal of the American Planning Association 74 (2), 180-195, 2008
Reconsidering the regional economic development impacts of higher education institutions in the United States
J Drucker
Regional Studies 50 (7), 1185-1202, 2016
Does economic diversity enhance regional disaster resilience?
Y Xiao, J Drucker
Journal of the American Planning Association 79 (2), 148-160, 2013
Propensity to work from home: Modeling results from the 1995 Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey
J Drucker, AJ Khattak
Transportation research record 1706 (1), 108-117, 2000
Regional industrial structure concentration in the United States: Trends and implications
J Drucker
Economic Geography 87 (4), 421-452, 2011
An evaluation of competitive industrial structure and regional manufacturing employment change
J Drucker
Regional Studies 49 (9), 1481-1496, 2015
Regional industrial dominance, agglomeration economies, and manufacturing plant productivity
JM Drucker, E Feser
US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper No. CES-07-31, 2007
Do local governments use business tax incentives to compensate for high business property taxes?
J Drucker, R Funderburg, D Merriman, R Weber
Regional Science and Urban Economics 81, 103498, 2020
Industrial structure and the sources of agglomeration economies: evidence from manufacturing plant production
J Drucker
Growth and Change 44 (1), 54-91, 2013
Innovation Districts as a Strategy for Urban Economic Development: A Comparison of Four Cases.
JM Drucker, CM Kayanan, HC Renski
Available at SSRN 3498319, 2019
The spatial extent of agglomeration economies: Evidence from three US manufacturing industries
JM Drucker
US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper No. CES-WP-12-01, 2012
Planning support methods: Urban and regional analysis and projection
RE Klosterman, K Brooks, J Drucker, E Feser, H Renski
Rowman & Littlefield, 2018
Economic impact analysis amid rapid change: Challenges, strategies, and examples from defense communities
J Drucker
Journal of Planning Education and Research 35 (4), 401-418, 2015
How Spatially Concentrated Are Industrial Clusters?: A Meta-analysis
L Fang, J Drucker
Journal of Planning Literature 36 (4), 526-542, 2021
Regional dominance and industrial success: a productivity-based analysis
J Drucker
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2007
Innovation districts and community building: An effective strategy for community economic development?
CM Kayanan, J Drucker, H Renski
Economic Development Quarterly 36 (4), 343-354, 2022
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