Jason Keller
Jason Keller
Kravis Department of Integrated Sciences, Claremont McKenna College
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The carbon balance of North American wetlands
SD Bridgham, JP Megonigal, JK Keller, NB Bliss, C Trettin
Wetlands 26 (4), 889-916, 2006
Methane emissions from wetlands: biogeochemical, microbial, and modeling perspectives from local to global scales
SD Bridgham, H Cadillo‐Quiroz, JK Keller, Q Zhuang
Global change biology 19 (5), 1325-1346, 2013
pH controls over anaerobic carbon mineralization, the efficiency of methane production, and methanogenic pathways in peatlands across an ombrotrophic–minerotrophic gradient
R Ye, Q Jin, B Bohannan, JK Keller, SA McAllister, SD Bridgham
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 54, 36-47, 2012
Stability of peatland carbon to rising temperatures
RM Wilson, AM Hopple, MM Tfaily, SD Sebestyen, CW Schadt, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 13723, 2016
Pathways of anaerobic carbon cycling across an ombrotrophic‐minerotrophic peatland gradient
JK Keller, SD Bridgham
Limnology and Oceanography 52 (1), 96-107, 2007
Humic acids as electron acceptors in wetland decomposition
JK Keller, PB Weisenhorn, JP Megonigal
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41 (7), 1518-1522, 2009
Climate change effects on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in peatlands through changes in soil quality
JK Keller, JR White, SD Bridgham, J Pastor
Global Change Biology 10 (7), 1053-1064, 2004
Electron donors and acceptors influence anaerobic soil organic matter mineralization in tidal marshes
AE Sutton-Grier, JK Keller, R Koch, C Gilmour, JP Megonigal
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (7), 1576-1583, 2011
Massive peatland carbon banks vulnerable to rising temperatures
AM Hopple, RM Wilson, M Kolton, CA Zalman, JP Chanton, J Kostka, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2373, 2020
Soil carbon and nitrogen cycling and storage throughout the soil profile in a sweetgum plantation after 11 years of CO2‐enrichment
CM Iversen, JK Keller, CT Garten Jr, RJ Norby
Global change biology 18 (5), 1684-1697, 2012
Litter controls plant community composition in a northern fen
JF Weltzin, JK Keller, SD Bridgham, J Pastor, PB Allen, J Chen
Oikos 110 (3), 537-546, 2005
Authorship in ecology: attribution, accountability, and responsibility
JF Weltzin, RT Belote, LT Williams, JK Keller, EC Engel
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4 (8), 435-441, 2006
Limited effects of six years of fertilization on carbon mineralization dynamics in a Minnesota fen
JK Keller, SD Bridgham, CT Chapin, CM Iversen
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 37 (6), 1197-1204, 2005
Solid‐phase organic matter reduction regulates anaerobic decomposition in bog soil
JK Keller, KK Takagi
Ecosphere 4 (5), 1-12, 2013
Homoacetogenesis: A potentially underappreciated carbon pathway in peatlands
R Ye, Q Jin, B Bohannan, JK Keller, SD Bridgham
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68, 385-391, 2014
Nutrient control of microbial carbon cycling along an ombrotrophic‐minerotrophic peatland gradient
JK Keller, AK Bauers, SD Bridgham, LE Kellogg, CM Iversen
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 111 (G3), 2006
Soil metabolome response to whole-ecosystem warming at the Spruce and Peatland Responses under Changing Environments experiment
RM Wilson, MM Tfaily, M Kolton, ER Johnston, C Petro, CA Zalman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (25), e2004192118, 2021
Hydrogenation of organic matter as a terminal electron sink sustains high CO2: CH4 production ratios during anaerobic decomposition
RM Wilson, MM Tfaily, VI Rich, JK Keller, SD Bridgham, CM Zalman, ...
Organic Geochemistry 112, 22-32, 2017
Elevated CO2 affects porewater chemistry in a brackish marsh
JK Keller, AA Wolf, PB Weisenhorn, BG Drake, JP Megonigal
Biogeochemistry 96, 101-117, 2009
Small differences in ombrotrophy control regional-scale variation in methane cycling among Sphagnum-dominated peatlands
C Zalman, JK Keller, M Tfaily, M Kolton, L Pfeifer-Meister, RM Wilson, ...
Biogeochemistry 139, 155-177, 2018
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Articles 1–20