Neighborhood green, social support, physical activity, and stress: Assessing the cumulative impact Y Fan, KV Das, Q Chen Health & place 17 (6), 1202-1211, 2011 | 420 | 2011 |
Understanding subjective well-being: perspectives from psychology and public health KV Das, C Jones-Harrell, Y Fan, A Ramaswami, B Orlove, N Botchwey Public Health Reviews 41, 1-32, 2020 | 348 | 2020 |
Waiting time perceptions at transit stops and stations: Effects of basic amenities, gender, and security Y Fan, A Guthrie, D Levinson Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 88, 251-264, 2016 | 281 | 2016 |
Public bicycle as a feeder mode to rail transit in China: The role of gender, age, income, trip purpose, and bicycle theft experience Y Ji, Y Fan, A Ermagun, X Cao, W Wang, K Das International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 11 (4), 308-317, 2017 | 257 | 2017 |
Impact of light-rail implementation on labor market accessibility: A transportation equity perspective Y Fan, A Guthrie, D Levinson Journal of Transport and Land use 5 (3), 28-39, 2012 | 215 | 2012 |
Daily travel behavior and emotional well-being: Effects of trip mode, duration, purpose, and companionship J Zhu, Y Fan Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 118, 360-373, 2018 | 206 | 2018 |
Household structure and gender differences in travel time: spouse/partner presence, parenthood, and breadwinner status Y Fan Transportation 44, 271-291, 2017 | 175 | 2017 |
Urban form, individual spatial footprints, and travel: Examination of space-use behavior Y Fan, AJ Khattak Transportation Research Record 2082 (1), 98-106, 2008 | 173 | 2008 |
Exploring the connections among residential location, self-selection, and driving: Propensity score matching with multiple treatments XJ Cao, Z Xu, Y Fan Transportation research part A: policy and practice 44 (10), 797-805, 2010 | 158 | 2010 |
Examining threshold effects of built environment elements on travel-related carbon-dioxide emissions X Wu, T Tao, J Cao, Y Fan, A Ramaswami Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 75, 1-12, 2019 | 140 | 2019 |
Spatial mismatch in Beijing, China: Implications of job accessibility for Chinese low-wage workers Y Fan, R Allen, T Sun Habitat International 44, 202-210, 2014 | 122 | 2014 |
Exploring the nonlinear relationship between the built environment and active travel in the twin cities T Tao, X Wu, J Cao, Y Fan, K Das, A Ramaswami Journal of Planning Education and Research 43 (3), 637-652, 2023 | 121 | 2023 |
Commute happiness in Xi’an, China: Effects of commute mode, duration, and frequency J Zhu, Y Fan Travel Behaviour and Society 11, 43-51, 2018 | 119 | 2018 |
Is gardening associated with greater happiness of urban residents? A multi-activity, dynamic assessment in the Twin-Cities region, USA G Ambrose, K Das, Y Fan, A Ramaswami Landscape and Urban Planning 198, 103776, 2020 | 118 | 2020 |
Exploring the influences of density on travel behavior using propensity score matching X Cao, Y Fan Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39 (3), 459-470, 2012 | 110 | 2012 |
Real-time trip purpose prediction using online location-based search and discovery services A Ermagun, Y Fan, J Wolfson, G Adomavicius, K Das Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 77, 96-112, 2017 | 109 | 2017 |
Transit-oriented development in China: Literature review and evaluation of TOD potential across 50 Chinese cities W Xu, A Guthrie, Y Fan, Y Li Journal of Transport and Land Use 10 (1), 743-762, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |
Developers' perspectives on transit-oriented development A Guthrie, Y Fan Transport Policy 51, 103-114, 2016 | 101 | 2016 |
The planners’ war against spatial mismatch: Lessons learned and ways forward Y Fan Journal of Planning Literature 27 (2), 153-169, 2012 | 101 | 2012 |
Do physical neighborhood characteristics matter in predicting traffic stress and health outcomes? Y Song, GC Gee, Y Fan, DT Takeuchi Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 10 (2), 164-176, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |