Julian Ramos Rojas
Julian Ramos Rojas
Research scientist - Reality Labs, Meta
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Getting closer: an empirical investigation of the proximity of user to their smart phones
AK Dey, K Wac, D Ferreira, K Tassini, JH Hong, J Ramos
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Ubiquitous computing …, 2011
Serendipity: Finger Gesture Recognition using an Off-the-Shelf Smartwatch
H Wen, J Ramos Rojas, AK Dey
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2016
Discovering different kinds of smartphone users through their application usage behaviors
S Zhao, J Ramos, J Tao, Z Jianh, S Li, Z Wu, G Pan, A Dey
The 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous …, 2016
Reducing users' perceived mental effort due to interruptive notifications in multi-device mobile environments
T Okoshi, J Ramos, H Nozaki, J Nakazawa, AK Dey, H Tokuda
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2015
Attelia: Reducing user's cognitive load due to interruptive notifications on smart phones
T Okoshi, J Ramos, H Nozaki, J Nakazawa, AK Dey, H Tokuda
2015 IEEE international conference on pervasive computing and communications …, 2015
Toward personalized activity recognition systems with a semipopulation approach
JH Hong, J Ramos, AK Dey
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 46 (1), 101-112, 2015
Understanding physiological responses to stressors during physical activity
JH Hong, J Ramos, AK Dey
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM conference on ubiquitous computing, 270-279, 2012
User profiling from their use of smartphone applications: A survey
S Zhao, S Li, J Ramos, Z Luo, Z Jiang, AK Dey, G Pan
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 59, 101052, 2019
Sampling techniques to improve big data exploration
JAR Rojas, MB Kery, S Rosenthal, A Dey
2017 IEEE 7th symposium on large data analysis and visualization (LDAV), 26-35, 2017
Towards attention-aware adaptive notification on smart phones
T Okoshi, H Nozaki, J Nakazawa, H Tokuda, J Ramos, AK Dey
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 26, 17-34, 2016
Competitive live evaluations of activity-recognition systems
H Gjoreski, S Kozina, M Gams, M Lustrek, JA Álvarez-García, JH Hong, ...
IEEE Pervasive Computing 14 (1), 70-77, 2015
Stress Recognition: A step outside the lab
J Ramos, JH Hong, AK Dey
International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, 107-118, 2014
Leveraging human routine models to detect and generate human behaviors
N Banovic, A Wang, Y Jin, C Chang, J Ramos, A Dey, J Mankoff
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2017
A generic noninvasive neuromotor interface for human-computer interaction.
TR David Sussillo, Patrick Kaifosh
BioRxiv, 2024
An activity recognition system for ambient assisted living environments
JH Hong, J Ramos, C Shin, AK Dey
Evaluating AAL Systems Through Competitive Benchmarking: International …, 2012
Keyboard surface interaction: Making the keyboard into a pointing device
J Ramos, Z Li, J Rosas, N Banovic, J Mankoff, A Dey
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.04029, 2016
Who are the smartphone users? Identifying user groups with apps usage behaviors
S Zhao, J Ramos, J Tao, Z Jiang, S Li, Z Wu, G Pan, AK Dey
GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications 21 (2), 31-34, 2017
Automatic state discovery for unstructured audio scene classification
J Ramos, S Siddiqi, A Dubrawski, G Gordon, A Sharma
2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2010
Activity Recommendation: Optimizing Life in the Long Term
J Ramos, J Rosas, Y Shen, H Jin, AK Dey
2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2020
Exploring AI-based personalization of a mobile health intervention and its effects on behavior change, motivation, and adherence
JAR Rojas
Ph. D. thesis, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA, 2021
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Articles 1–20