Mohammad Zaved Kaiser Khan
Mohammad Zaved Kaiser Khan
CSIRO Environment
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Cited by
Human health risks and socio-economic perspectives of arsenic exposure in Bangladesh: a scoping review
MA Rahman, A Rahman, MZK Khan, AMN Renzaho
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 150, 335-343, 2018
A continental scale evaluation of rainwater harvesting in Australia
Z Khan, M A Alim, M Rahman, A Rahman
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 167 (105378), 1-13, 2021
Application of independent component analysis in regional flood frequency analysis: Comparison between quantile regression and parameter regression techniques
AS Rahman, Z Khan, A Rahman
Journal of Hydrology 581, 124372, 2020
Global seasonal precipitation forecasts using improved sea surface temperature predictions
MZK Khan, A Sharma, R Mehrotra
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (9), 4773-4785, 2017
An evaluation framework for downscaling and bias correction in climate change impact studies
E Vogel, F Johnson, L Marshall, U Bende-Michl, L Wilson, JR Peter, ...
Journal of Hydrology 622, 129693, 2023
Global sea surface temperature forecasts using an improved multimodel approach
MZK Khan, R Mehrotra, A Sharma, A Sankarasubramanian
Journal of climate 27 (10), 3505-3515, 2014
Does improved SSTA prediction ensure better seasonal rainfall forecasts?
MZK Khan, A Sharma, R Mehrotra, A Schepen, QJ Wang
Water Resources Research 51 (5), 3370-3383, 2015
Quantifying uncertainty in food security modeling
SA Shoaib, MZK Khan, N Sultana, TH Mahmood
Agriculture 11 (1), 33, 2021
A national hydrological projections service for Australia
L Wilson, U Bende-michl, W Sharples, E Vogel, J Peter, S Srikanthan, ...
Climate Services 28 (March), 100331, 2022
Impact of droughts on child mortality: a case study in Southern African countries
MZK Khan, A Rahman, MA Rahman, AMN Renzaho
Natural hazards 108 (2), 2211-2224, 2021
An Assessment of Uncertainties in Flood Frequency Estimation Using Bootstrapping and Monte Carlo Simulation
Z Khan, A Rahman, F Karim
Hydrology 10 (1), 18, 2023
National Hydrological Projections-Design and Methodology
S Srikanthan, A Azarnivand, U Bende-Michl, E Carrara, C Donnelly, ...
Australian Bureau of Meteorology, 2022
Searching for homogeneous regions in regional flood frequency analysis for Southeast Australia
A Ahmed, Z Khan, A Rahman
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 53, 101782, 2024
Continental-scale bias-corrected climate and hydrological projections for Australia
J Peter, E Vogel, W Sharples, U Bende-Michl, L Wilson, P Hope, A Dowdy, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 17 (7), 2755-2781, 2024
Arsenic mitigation measures in Bangladesh
M Zaved Kaiser Khan
Revue des sciences de l’eau 25 (1), 49-67, 2012
Micro-pollutant risks associated with using recycled water
MZK Khan
Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB) 40 (1), 11-22, 2012
Murray Basin — National Hydrological Projections Assessment report
S Srikanthan, U Bende-Michl, V Matic, P Hope, A Oke, Z Khan, S Thomas, ... …, 2022
East Coast — National Hydrological Projections Assessment report
V Matic, U Bende-Michl, P Hope, S Srikanthan, A Oke, Z Khan, S Thomas, ... …, 2022
Using all data to improve seasonal sea surface temperature predictions: A combination‐based model forecast with unequal observation lengths
MZK Khan, A Sharma, R Mehrotra
International Journal of Climatology, 2018
Ganges basin: an example of social conflicts regarding water resources especially in developing countries
MZK Khan
International Journal of Sustainable Society 4 (1-2), 158-172, 2012
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Articles 1–20