Jun Morimoto
Jun Morimoto
Kyoto University & ATR Computational Neuroscience Labs
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Cited by
Learning from demonstration and adaptation of biped locomotion
J Nakanishi, J Morimoto, G Endo, G Cheng, S Schaal, M Kawato
Robotics and autonomous systems 47 (2-3), 79-91, 2004
Task-specific generalization of discrete and periodic dynamic movement primitives
A Ude, A Gams, T Asfour, J Morimoto
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 26 (5), 800-815, 2010
Acquisition of stand-up behavior by a real robot using hierarchical reinforcement learning
J Morimoto, K Doya
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 36 (1), 37-51, 2001
Deep learning, reinforcement learning, and world models
Y Matsuo, Y LeCun, M Sahani, D Precup, D Silver, M Sugiyama, E Uchibe, ...
Neural Networks 152, 267-275, 2022
A small number of abnormal brain connections predicts adult autism spectrum disorder
N Yahata, J Morimoto, R Hashimoto, G Lisi, K Shibata, Y Kawakubo, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11254, 2016
Robust reinforcement learning
J Morimoto, K Doya
Neural computation 17 (2), 335-359, 2005
CB: A humanoid research platform for exploring neuroscience
G Cheng, SH Hyon, J Morimoto, A Ude, JG Hale, G Colvin, W Scroggin, ...
Advanced Robotics 21 (10), 1097-1114, 2007
Learning CPG-based biped locomotion with a policy gradient method: Application to a humanoid robot
G Endo, J Morimoto, T Matsubara, J Nakanishi, G Cheng
The International Journal of Robotics Research 27 (2), 213-228, 2008
Orientation in cartesian space dynamic movement primitives
A Ude, B Nemec, T Petrić, J Morimoto
2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2997-3004, 2014
Bilinear modeling of EMG signals to extract user-independent features for multiuser myoelectric interface
T Matsubara, J Morimoto
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 60 (8), 2205-2213, 2013
Experimental studies of a neural oscillator for biped locomotion with QRIO
G Endo, J Nakanishi, J Morimoto, G Cheng
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE international conference on robotics and …, 2005
Robot and attitude control method of robot
G Endo, M Kawato, G Cheng, J Nakanishi, J Morimoto
US Patent 7,657,345, 2010
Harmonization of resting-state functional MRI data across multiple imaging sites via the separation of site differences into sampling bias and measurement bias
A Yamashita, N Yahata, T Itahashi, G Lisi, T Yamada, N Ichikawa, ...
PLoS biology 17 (4), e3000042, 2019
Adaptive control of exoskeleton robots for periodic assistive behaviours based on EMG feedback minimisation
L Peternel, T Noda, T Petrič, A Ude, J Morimoto, J Babič
PloS one 11 (2), e0148942, 2016
An empirical exploration of a neural oscillator for biped locomotion control
G Endo, J Morimoto, J Nakanishi, G Cheng
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
A biologically inspired biped locomotion strategy for humanoid robots: Modulation of sinusoidal patterns by a coupled oscillator model
J Morimoto, G Endo, J Nakanishi, G Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24 (1), 185-191, 2008
Learning CPG-based biped locomotion with a policy gradient method
T Matsubara, J Morimoto, J Nakanishi, M Sato, K Doya
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54 (11), 911-920, 2006
A simple reinforcement learning algorithm for biped walking
J Morimoto, G Cheng, CG Atkeson, G Zeglin
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2004. Proceedings …, 2004
EMG-based model predictive control for physical human–robot interaction: Application for assist-as-needed control
T Teramae, T Noda, J Morimoto
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (1), 210-217, 2017
Minimax differential dynamic programming: Application to a biped walking robot
J Morimoto, G Zeglin, CG Atkeson
Proceedings 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …, 2003
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Articles 1–20