Moses O. Tade
Moses O. Tade
John Curtin Distinguished Professor, Curtin University
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Cited by
Volatile organic compounds in indoor environment and photocatalytic oxidation: State of the art
S Wang, HM Ang, MO Tade
Environment international 33 (5), 694-705, 2007
Research progress of perovskite materials in photocatalysis-and photovoltaics-related energy conversion and environmental treatment
W Wang, MO Tadé, Z Shao
Chemical Society Reviews 44 (15), 5371-5408, 2015
Adsorptive remediation of environmental pollutants using novel graphene-based nanomaterials
S Wang, H Sun, HM Ang, MO Tadé
Chemical engineering journal 226, 336-347, 2013
Reduced graphene oxide for catalytic oxidation of aqueous organic pollutants
H Sun, S Liu, G Zhou, HM Ang, MO Tadé, S Wang
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4 (10), 5466-5471, 2012
Novel applications of red mud as coagulant, adsorbent and catalyst for environmentally benign processes
S Wang, HM Ang, MO Tadé
Chemosphere 72 (11), 1621-1635, 2008
Synthesis of nitrogen‐doped mesoporous carbon spheres with extra‐large pores through assembly of diblock copolymer micelles
J Tang, J Liu, C Li, Y Li, MO Tade, S Dai, Y Yamauchi
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (2), 588-593, 2015
Different Crystallographic One-dimensional MnO2 Nanomaterials and Their Superior Performance in Catalytic Phenol Degradation
E Saputra, S Muhammad, H Sun, HM Ang, MO Tade, S Wang
Environmental science & technology 47 (11), 5882-5887, 2013
Manganese oxides at different oxidation states for heterogeneous activation of peroxymonosulfate for phenol degradation in aqueous solutions
E Saputra, S Muhammad, H Sun, HM Ang, MO Tadé, S Wang
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 142, 729-735, 2013
Systematic study of aqueous monoethanolamine (MEA)-based CO2 capture process: Techno-economic assessment of the MEA process and its improvements
K Li, W Leigh, P Feron, H Yu, M Tade
Applied Energy 165, 648-659, 2016
An insight into metal organic framework derived N-doped graphene for the oxidative degradation of persistent contaminants: formation mechanism and generation of singlet oxygen …
P Liang, C Zhang, X Duan, H Sun, S Liu, MO Tade, S Wang
Environmental Science: Nano 4 (2), 315-324, 2017
Catalytic oxidation of organic pollutants on pristine and surface nitrogen-modified carbon nanotubes with sulfate radicals
H Sun, CK Kwan, A Suvorova, HM Ang, MO Tadé, S Wang
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 154, 134-141, 2014
SrNb0.1Co0.7Fe0.2O3−δ Perovskite as a Next‐Generation Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Solution
Y Zhu, W Zhou, ZG Chen, Y Chen, C Su, MO Tadé, Z Shao
Angewandte Chemie 127 (13), 3969-3973, 2015
Activated carbon supported cobalt catalysts for advanced oxidation of organic contaminants in aqueous solution
PR Shukla, S Wang, H Sun, HM Ang, M Tadé
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 100 (3-4), 529-534, 2010
Mechanistic investigation of the enhanced NH3-SCR on cobalt-decorated Ce-Ti mixed oxide: In situ FTIR analysis for structure-activity correlation
J Liu, X Li, Q Zhao, J Ke, H Xiao, X Lv, S Liu, M Tadé, S Wang
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 200, 297-308, 2017
Recent advances in non-metal modification of graphitic carbon nitride for photocatalysis: a historic review
L Zhou, H Zhang, H Sun, S Liu, MO Tade, S Wang, W Jin
Catalysis Science & Technology 6 (19), 7002-7023, 2016
3D-hierarchically structured MnO2 for catalytic oxidation of phenol solutions by activation of peroxymonosulfate: Structure dependence and mechanism
Y Wang, H Sun, HM Ang, MO Tadé, S Wang
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 164, 159-167, 2015
Facile synthesis of nitrogen-doped graphene via low-temperature pyrolysis: the effects of precursors and annealing ambience on metal-free catalytic oxidation
D Li, X Duan, H Sun, J Kang, H Zhang, MO Tade, S Wang
Carbon 115, 649-658, 2017
Facile assembly of Bi2O3/Bi2S3/MoS2 np heterojunction with layered n-Bi2O3 and p-MoS2 for enhanced photocatalytic water oxidation and pollutant degradation
J Ke, J Liu, H Sun, H Zhang, X Duan, P Liang, X Li, MO Tade, S Liu, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 200, 47-55, 2017
0D (MoS2)/2D (g-C3N4) heterojunctions in Z-scheme for enhanced photocatalytic and electrochemical hydrogen evolution
Y Liu, H Zhang, J Ke, J Zhang, W Tian, X Xu, X Duan, H Sun, MO Tade, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 228, 64-74, 2018
Nanosize Zr-metal organic framework (UiO-66) for hydrogen and carbon dioxide storage
HR Abid, H Tian, HM Ang, MO Tade, CE Buckley, S Wang
Chemical Engineering Journal 187, 415-420, 2012
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Articles 1–20