Matthijs Van Soest
Matthijs Van Soest
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Two-phase growth of high topography in eastern Tibet during the Cenozoic
E Wang, E Kirby, KP Furlong, M Van Soest, G Xu, X Shi, PJJ Kamp, ...
Nature Geoscience 5 (9), 640-645, 2012
Flow of mantle fluids through the ductile lower crust: helium isotope trends
BM Kennedy, MC Van Soest
Science 318 (5855), 1433-1436, 2007
Tracing crustal and slab contributions to arc magmatism in the Lesser Antilles island arc using helium and carbon relationships in geothermal fluids
MC Van Soest, DR Hilton, R Kreulen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62 (19-20), 3323-3335, 1998
Cosmogenic, radiogenic, and stable isotopic constraints on groundwater residence time in the Nubian Aquifer, Western Desert of Egypt
LJ Patterson, NC Sturchio, BM Kennedy, MC Van Soest, M Sultan, ZT Lu, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 6 (1), 2005
A helium isotope perspective on the Dixie Valley, Nevada, hydrothermal system
BM Kennedy, MC van Soest
Geothermics 35 (1), 26-43, 2006
Geomorphic and exhumational response of the Central American Volcanic Arc to Cocos Ridge subduction
KD Morell, E Kirby, DM Fisher, M Van Soest
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B4), 2012
Late Cenozoic structural and tectonic development of the western margin of the central Andean Plateau in southwest Peru
TF Schildgen, KV Hodges, KX Whipple, MS Pringle, M Van Soest, ...
Tectonics 28 (4), 2009
Age and structure of the Shyok suture in the Ladakh region of northwestern India: Implications for slip on the Karakoram fault system
NL Borneman, KV Hodges, MC Van Soest, W Bohon, JA Wartho, ...
Tectonics 34 (10), 2011-2033, 2015
Tracing subducted black shales in the Lesser Antilles arc using molybdenum isotope ratios
H Freymuth, T Elliott, M Van Soest, S Skora
Geology 44 (12), 987-990, 2016
Quantifying canyon incision and Andean Plateau surface uplift, southwest Peru: A thermochronometer and numerical modeling approach
TF Schildgen, TA Ehlers, DM Whipp Jr, MC van Soest, KX Whipple, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 114 (F4), 2009
Resolving sediment subduction and crustal contamination in the Lesser Antilles Island Arc: a combined He–O–Sr isotope approach
MC Van Soest, DR Hilton, CG MacPherson, DP Mattey
Journal of Petrology 43 (1), 143-170, 2002
Empirical constraints on the effects of radiation damage on helium diffusion in zircon
AJ Anderson, KV Hodges, MC van Soest
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 218, 308-322, 2017
Integrated single crystal laser ablation U/Pb and (U–Th)/He dating of detrital accessory minerals–Proof-of-concept studies of titanites and zircons from the Fish Canyon tuff
AM Horne, MC van Soest, KV Hodges, A Tripathy-Lang, JK Hourigan
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 178, 106-123, 2016
Pleistocene onset of rapid, punctuated exhumation in the eastern Central Range of the Taiwan orogenic belt
WH Hsu, TB Byrne, W Ouimet, YH Lee, YG Chen, M Soest, K Hodges
Geology 44 (9), 719-722, 2016
Ohaaki reservoir chemistry: Characteristics of an arc-type hydrothermal system in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
BW Christenson, EK Mroczek, BM Kennedy, MC Van Soest, MK Stewart, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 115 (1-2), 53-82, 2002
The thermal evolution of Chinese central Tianshan and its implications: Insights from multi-method chronometry
J Yin, W Chen, KV Hodges, W Xiao, K Cai, C Yuan, M Sun, LP Liu, ...
Tectonophysics 722, 536-548, 2018
(U‐Th)/He dating of terrestrial impact structures: The Manicouagan example
MC van Soest, KV Hodges, JA Wartho, MB Biren, BD Monteleone, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12 (5), 2011
Laser (U‐Th)/He thermochronology of detrital zircons as a tool for studying surface processes in modern catchments
A Tripathy‐Lang, KV Hodges, BD Monteleone, MC van Soest
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118 (3), 1333-1341, 2013
Magmatic intrusion west of Three Sisters, central Oregon, USA: The perspective from spring geochemistry
WC Evans, MC van Soest, RH Mariner, S Hurwitz, SE Ingebritsen, ...
Geology 32 (1), 69-72, 2004
An improved chromatographic separation technique of Nd with application to NdO+ isotope analysis
M Griselin, JC Van Belle, C Pomies, PZ Vroon, MC Van Soest, GR Davies
Chemical Geology 172 (3-4), 347-359, 2001
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Articles 1–20