Luciana F. Alves
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Cited by
An estimate of the number of tropical tree species
JWF Slik, V Arroyo-Rodríguez, SI Aiba, P Alvarez-Loayza, LF Alves, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (24), 7472-7477, 2015
Forest structure and live aboveground biomass variation along an elevational gradient of tropical Atlantic moist forest (Brazil)
LF Alves, SA Vieira, MA Scaranello, PB Camargo, FAM Santos, CA Joly, ...
Forest ecology and management 260 (5), 679-691, 2010
Amazon forest carbon dynamics predicted by profiles of canopy leaf area and light environment
SC Stark, V Leitold, JL Wu, MO Hunter, CV de Castilho, FRC Costa, ...
Ecology letters 15 (12), 1406-1414, 2012
Hydrological niche segregation defines forest structure and drought tolerance strategies in a seasonal Amazon forest
M Brum, MA Vadeboncoeur, V Ivanov, H Asbjornsen, S Saleska, LF Alves, ...
Journal of Ecology 107 (1), 318-333, 2019
Fragmentation drives tropical forest fragments to early successional states: a modelling study for Brazilian Atlantic forests
S Pütz, J Groeneveld, LF Alves, JP Metzger, A Huth
Ecological Modelling 222 (12), 1986-1997, 2011
Estimativas de biomassa e estoque de carbono: o caso da Mata Atlântica
SA Vieira, LF Alves, M Aidar, LS Araújo, T Baker, JLF Batista, MC Campos, ...
Biota Neotropica 8, 21-29, 2008
Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential
L Mo, CM Zohner, PB Reich, J Liang, S De Miguel, GJ Nabuurs, ...
Nature 624 (7990), 92-101, 2023
Florística e fitossociologia em parcelas permanentes da Mata Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal
CA Joly, MA Assis, LC Bernacci, JY Tamashiro, MCR Campos, ...
Biota Neotropica 12, 125-145, 2012
Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests
JWF Slik, J Franklin, V Arroyo-Rodríguez, R Field, S Aguilar, N Aguirre, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (8), 1837-1842, 2018
Disturbances, elevation, topography and spatial proximity drive vegetation patterns along an altitudinal gradient of a top biodiversity hotspot
PV Eisenlohr, LF Alves, LC Bernacci, MCG Padgurschi, RB Torres, ...
Biodiversity and conservation 22, 2767-2783, 2013
NEON terrestrial field observations: designing continental‐scale, standardized sampling
RH Kao, CM Gibson, RE Gallery, CL Meier, DT Barnett, KM Docherty, ...
Ecosphere 3 (12), 1-17, 2012
Stocks of carbon and nitrogen and partitioning between above‐and belowground pools in the Brazilian coastal Atlantic Forest elevation range
SA Vieira, LF Alves, PJ Duarte‐Neto, SC Martins, LG Veiga, ...
Ecology and Evolution 1 (3), 421-434, 2011
Soil-atmosphere exchange of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide in a gradient of elevation in the coastal Brazilian Atlantic forest
E Sousa Neto, JB Carmo, M Keller, SC Martins, LF Alves, SA Vieira, ...
Biogeosciences 8 (3), 733-742, 2011
Tree allometry and crown shape of four tree species in Atlantic rain forest, south-east Brazil
LF Alves, FAM Santos
Journal of tropical ecology 18 (2), 245-260, 2002
Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots
C Blundo, J Carilla, R Grau, A Malizia, L Malizia, O Osinaga-Acosta, ...
Biological Conservation 260, 108849, 2021
Biogeographical patterns of liana abundance and diversity
SJ DeWalt, SA Schnitzer, LF Alves, F Bongers, RJ Burnham, Z Cai, ...
Ecology of lianas, 131-146, 2015
The global abundance of tree palms
R Muscarella, T Emilio, OL Phillips, SL Lewis, F Slik, WJ Baker, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 29 (9), 1495-1514, 2020
The impact of fragmentation and density regulation on forest succession in the Atlantic rain forest
J Groeneveld, LF Alves, LC Bernacci, ELM Catharino, C Knogge, ...
Ecological modelling 220 (19), 2450-2459, 2009
Seasonal and drought‐related changes in leaf area profiles depend on height and light environment in an Amazon forest
MN Smith, SC Stark, TC Taylor, ML Ferreira, E de Oliveira, ...
New Phytologist 222 (3), 1284-1297, 2019
Hydraulic traits explain differential responses of Amazonian forests to the 2015 El Niño‐induced drought
FV Barros, PRL Bittencourt, M Brum, N Restrepo‐Coupe, L Pereira, ...
New Phytologist 223 (3), 1253-1266, 2019
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Articles 1–20