Navot Akiva
Cited by
Cited by
Towards a big data analytics framework for IoT and smart city applications
M Strohbach, H Ziekow, V Gazis, N Akiva
Modeling and processing for next-generation big-data technologies: with …, 2015
Method and system for extracting web data
O Levy, J Schler, D Tenne, A Navot
US Patent 7,596,552, 2009
Feature instability as a criterion for selecting potential style markers
M Koppel, N Akiva, I Dagan
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57 …, 2006
Automatically classifying documents by ideological and organizational affiliation
M Koppel, N Akiva, E Alshech, K Bar
2009 IEEE international conference on intelligence and security informatics …, 2009
Method and system for extracting web data
O Levy, J Schler, D Tenne, A Navot
US Patent App. 11/364,169, 2007
Unsupervised decomposition of a document into authorial components
M Koppel, N Akiva, I Dershowitz, N Dershowitz
Proceedings of the 49th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2011
A corpus-independent feature set for style-based text categorization
M Koppel, N Akiva, I Dagan
Proceedings of IJCAI’03 Workshop on Computational Approaches to Style …, 2003
Efficient unsupervised recursive word segmentation using minimum description length
S Argamon, N Akiva, A Amir, O Kapah
COLING 2004: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on …, 2004
Identifying distinct components of a multi-author document
N Akiva, M Koppel
2012 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, 205-209, 2012
A Generic Unsupervised Method for Decomposing Multi-Author Documents
N Akiva, M Koppel
JASIST: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and …, 2013
Computerized Source Criticism of Biblical Texts
I Dershowitz, M Koppel, N Akiva, N Dershowitz
Journal of Biblical Literature, 2015
New methods for attribution of rabbinic literature
M Koppel, D Mughaz, N Akiva
Hebrew Linguistics: A Journal for Hebrew Descriptive, Computational and …, 2006
When Do Service Employees Smile? Response‐Dependent Emotion Regulation in Emotional Labor
S Ashtar, GB Yom‐Tov, N Akiva, A Rafaeli
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2021
Mining and visualizing online Web content using BAM: Brand Association Map
N Akiva, E Greitzer, Y Krichman, J Schler
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 2 …, 2008
Method and system for extracting web data
O Levy, J Schler, D Tenne, A Navot
US Patent App. 11/517,418, 2007
Using clustering to identify outlier chunks of text
N Akiva
Notebook for PAN at CLEF, 2011
Authorship and Plagiarism Detection Using Binary BOW Features
N Akiva
CLEF (Online Working Notes/Labs/Workshop) 2012, 2012
Modeling and Processing for Next-Generation Big-Data Technologies
M Strohbach, H Ziekow, V Gazis, N Akiva, F Xhafa, L Barolli, A Barolli, ...
Towards a Big Data Analytics Framework for IoT and Smart City Applications 4, 2015
A Unified View on Data Path Aspects for Sensing Applications at a Smart City Scale
V Gazis, M Strohbach, N Akiva, M Walther
International Workshop on Pervasive Internet of Things and Smart Cities …, 2013
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
M Koppel, N Akiva, I Dershowitz, N Dershowitz
Association for Computational Linguistics, 2011
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Articles 1–20