Anne Tanguy
Anne Tanguy
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Local elasticity map and plasticity in a model Lennard-Jones glass
M Tsamados, A Tanguy, C Goldenberg, JL Barrat
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (2 …, 2009
Continuum limit of amorphous elastic bodies: A finite-size study of low-frequency harmonic vibrations
A Tanguy, JP Wittmer, F Leonforte, JL Barrat
Physical Review B 66 (17), 174205, 2002
Modeling the mechanics of amorphous solids at different length scale and time scale
D Rodney, A Tanguy, D Vandembroucq
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 19 (8), 083001, 2011
Plastic response of a 2D Lennard-Jones amorphous solid: Detailed analysis of the local rearrangements at very slow strain rate
A Tanguy, F Leonforte, JL Barrat
The European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics 20 (3 …, 2006
Continuum limit of amorphous elastic bodies. III. Three-dimensional systems
F Leonforte, R Boissiere, A Tanguy, JP Wittmer, JL Barrat
Physical Review B 72 (22), 224206, 2005
Inhomogeneous elastic response of silica glass
F Leonforte, A Tanguy, JP Wittmer, JL Barrat
Physical review letters 97 (5), 055501, 2006
From individual to collective pinning: Effect of long-range elastic interactions
A Tanguy, M Gounelle, S Roux
Physical Review E 58 (2), 1577, 1998
Vibrations of amorphous, nanometric structures: When does continuum theory apply?
JP Wittmer, A Tanguy, JL Barrat, L Lewis
Europhysics Letters 57 (3), 423, 2002
Vibrational modes as a predictor for plasticity in a model glass
A Tanguy, B Mantisi, M Tsamados
Europhysics Letters 90 (1), 16004, 2010
Boson peak and Ioffe-Regel criterion in amorphous siliconlike materials: The effect of bond directionality
YM Beltukov, C Fusco, DA Parshin, A Tanguy
Physical Review E 93 (2), 023006, 2016
Continuum limit of amorphous elastic bodies II: Linear response to a point source force
F Leonforte, A Tanguy, JP Wittmer, JL Barrat
Physical Review B 70 (1), 014203, 2004
Atomistic response of a model silica glass under shear and pressure
B Mantisi, A Tanguy, G Kermouche, E Barthel
The European Physical Journal B 85, 1-13, 2012
Particle displacements in the elastic deformation of amorphous materials: Local fluctuations vs. non-affine field
C Goldenberg, A Tanguy, JL Barrat
Europhysics Letters 80 (1), 16003, 2007
Mapping between atomistic simulations and Eshelby inclusions in the shear deformation of an amorphous silicon model
T Albaret, A Tanguy, F Boioli, D Rodney
Physical Review E 93 (5), 053002, 2016
Pinning-depinning of the contact line on nanorough surfaces
S Ramos, A Tanguy
The European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics 19 (4 …, 2006
Role of local order in the small-scale plasticity of model amorphous materials
C Fusco, T Albaret, A Tanguy
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (6 …, 2010
On the study of local-stress rearrangements during quasi-static plastic shear of a model glass: Do local-stress components contain enough information?
M Tsamados, A Tanguy, F Léonforte, JL Barrat
The European Physical Journal E 26 (3), 283-293, 2008
Theory of harmonic dissipation in disordered solids
T Damart, A Tanguy, D Rodney
Physical Review B 95 (5), 054203, 2017
Propagative and diffusive regimes of acoustic damping in bulk amorphous material
Y Beltukov, D Parshin, V Giordano, A Tanguy
Physical Review E 98, 023005, 2018
Densification dependent yield criteria for sodium silicate glasses–An atomistic simulation approach
G Molnar, P Ganster, A Tanguy, E Barthel, G Kermouche
Acta Materialia 111, 129-137, 2016
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Articles 1–20