Mitra Mohammadi
Mitra Mohammadi
Assistant of Professor, Department of Environmental Studies, kheradgerayan Motahar Institue of
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Treatment of wastewater from rubber industry in Malaysia
M Mohammadi, HC Man, MA Hassan, PL Yee
African Journal of Biotechnology 9 (38), 6233-6243, 2010
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) based blends, composites and nanocomposites
I Roy, PM Visakh
Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014
Intracellular polyhydroxyalkanoates recovery by cleaner halogen-free methods towards zero emission in the palm oil mill
M Mohammadi, MA Hassan, LY Phang, Y Shirai, HC Man, H Ariffin
Journal of Cleaner Production 37, 353-360, 2012
Separation and Purification of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from Newly Isolated Comamonas sp. EB172 by Simple Digestion with Sodium Hydroxide
M Mohammadi, MA Hassan, Y Shirai, HC Man, H Ariffin, LN Yee, ...
Separation Science and Technology 47 (3), 534-541, 2012
Recovery and purification of intracellular polyhydroxyalkanoates from recombinant Cupriavidus necator using water and ethanol
M Mohammadi, MA Hassan, LY Phang, H Ariffin, Y Shirai, Y Ando
Biotechnology letters 34, 253-259, 2012
Efficient Polyhydroxyalkanoate Recovery from Recombinant Cupriavidus necator by Using Low Concentration of NaOH
M Mohammadi, MA Hassan, LY Phang, Y Shirai, H Che Man, H Ariffin, ...
Environmental Engineering Science 29 (8), 783-789, 2012
Polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis by recombinant Escherichia coli JM109 expressing PHA biosynthesis genes from Comamonas sp. EB172
LN Yee, T Mumtaz, M Mohammadi, LY Phang, Y Ando, A Rahim Raha, ...
Journal of Microbial and Biochemical Technology 4 (4), 103-110, 2012
Personal knowledge management of administrators
M Mohammadi, A Bagheri
Director General 10 (2), 292-301, 2013
Heavy metals removal from industrial wastewater by sand, soil and organic matter
M Mohammadi, A Fotovat, G Haghnia
Journal of Water and Wastewater; Ab va Fazilab (in persian) 20 (4), 71-81, 2010
Efficiency of sand-soil-organic matter filter, the removal of heavy metals copper, nickel, zinc and chromium from industrial wastewater
M Mohammadi, A Fotovat, G Haghniya
Journal of Soil and Water (Agricultural Science and Technology) 262, 23-51, 2009
Underutilised Plants as Potential Phytoremediators for Inorganic Pollutants Decontamination
LY Phang, M Mohammadi, L Mingyuan
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 234 (5), 306, 2023
Measuring vehicle exhaust emissions from Peugeot 206, Samand and EL Samand in Mashhad
R Yusefi Golboteh, FR Sahrayi, M Mohammadi, S Houshmand, ...
J Env Sci Tech 18 (2), 63-76, 2016
A rapid synthesis of silver nanoparticles using a radical initiator under UV light and evaluation of their antibacterial activities
A Mohmedi-Kartalai, M Ghaffari-Moghaddam, A Samzadeh-Kermani, ...
Russian Journal of General Chemistry 84, 2257-2261, 2014
Recovery and extraction of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)
M Mohammadi, M Ghaffari-Moghaddam
Water quality evaluation of Torghabeh River of Mashhad using combination of NSFWQI index and geographic information system
A Ghorbani, M Mohammadi, Z Mohammadi
Int J Adv Biol Biomed Res 2 (8), 2416-2430, 2014
Phytoremediation as a viable ecological and socioeconomic management strategy
LY Phang, L Mingyuan, M Mohammadi, CS Tee, MH Yuswan, WH Cheng, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31 (38), 50126-50141, 2024
Relationships between ambient air pollution, meteorological parameters and respiratory mortality in Mashhad, Iran: A time series analysis
M Mohammadi, M Hatami, R Esmaeli, S Gohari, M Mohammadi, ...
Pollution 8 (4), 1250-1265, 2022
Evaluation and Zonation of Noise Pollution in Vakil-Abad Highway, Mashhad
AG E. Khayami, M. Mohammadi, M.S. Bahadori, F. Hasani
Natural Environment, Iranian Journal of Natural Resources 72 (1), 73-83, 2019
A Study of The Citizens’ Attitude Towards Water Pollution Prevention and Soil Resources Identification
M Mohammadi, SZ Qari, FSN Moghaddam, M Azarli, SS Nik, F Yousefi
Int. J. Adv. Biol. Biom. Res 2 (10), 2678-2685, 2014
Assessing the relationship between meteorological parameters, air pollution and cardiovascular mortality of Mashhad City based on time series model
M Hatami, MM Mohammadi, R Esmaeli, M Mohammadi
Iranian Journal of Health, Safety and Environment 5 (1), 894-903, 2017
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Articles 1–20