Soledad Garibay
Soledad Garibay
University Researcher III
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Life cycle validation study of algal biofuels in Philippines via CML impact assessment
AT Ubando, IHV Gue, AP Mayol, CB Felix, CJ Ronquillo, NA Toledo, ...
2015 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 1-5, 2015
A new species and new records of goatfishes of the genus Parupeneus (Mullidae) from the Indian Ocean, with updated occurrence information for P. jansenii in the Western Pacific
F Uiblein, TA HoAng, U AlAmA, R CAUsse, OE Chacate, G Fahmi, ...
Cybium: International Journal of Ichthyology 42 (3), 229-256, 2018
Simultaneous replacement of protein, vitamins and minerals with Chaetoceros calcitrans paste in the diet of the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) larvae
MC Naorbe, SS Garibay, AE Serrano Jr
Animal Biology & Animal Husbandry 7 (1), 28-36, 2015
Microalgal paste production of the diatom Chaetoceros calcitrans using electrolytic flocculation method at optimum culture conditions
MR de la Peņa, AV Franco, HP Igcasan, MDGN Arnaldo, RM Piloton, ...
Aquaculture International 26, 1119-1134, 2018
An Investigation of the Algal Bloom Occurence in the Coastal Waters of Barangay Kirayan Norte, Miag-ao, Iloilo, Philippines
N Peralta, Garibay, Espina, Noble
The Philippine Agricultural Scientist 89 (1), 97-199, 2006
Optimization of microwave drying of microalgae nannochloropsis sp. for biofuel production
AR Mina, B Tecson, DV Virtucio, C Felix, A Ubando, C Madrazo, ...
2017IEEE 9th International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology …, 2017
A Mathematical Model for the Drying Characteristics of Microalgae (Tetraselmis sp.)
A Culaba, Tan, Biona, Ubando, Lopez, Tanchuco, Garibay, Toledo, Jimenez, Pahila
Philippine Science Letters 6 (2), 206-219, 2013
Aquaculture Response and Recovery from the Effects of M/T Solar 1 Oil Spill.
G Andalecio, Napata
Journal of Aquaculture Marine Biology 1 (2), 1-10, 2014
Priority Evaluation of Life Cycle Impact Factors for Algal Biofuel Production in the Philippines using Analytic Hierarchy Process
AT Ubando, CB Felix, IHV Gue, AP Mayol, NA Toledo, SS Garibay, ...
Applied Mechanics and Materials 842, 355-364, 2016
Diversity of planktonic organisms in selected areas of Panay Island, Philippines
SS Garibay, VD Sadio, MR Martinez-Goss, MJC Esprela, MFS Muegue
Philipp Scientist 51, 104-121, 2014
Chapter 4. Culture Media and Propagation of Marine Microalgae
S Garibay, V Sadio
Methods in Microalgal Studies 1, 45-52, 2020
Assessment of the Potential Economic Viability of Using Algal Paste on Selected Prawn Hatcheries in Panay, Philippines
LMT Eluriaga, RF Subade, SS Garibay, M Esmilla
Philippine Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities University of the …, 2020
Assessment of the Potential Economic Viability of Using Algal Paste on Selected Prawn Hatcheries in Panay, PhilippinesEleur
LM Eleuriaga, R subade, S Garibay, M Esmilla
Philippine Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 25, 58-71, 2020
Methods and composition of microalgae paste
S Garibay, L Ami
An initial study on the life cycle assessment of algal biodiesel production in the Philippines
AT Ubando, IV Gue, NA Toledo, SS Garibay, CN Jimenez
22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2016 …, 2016
Comparative yield of crude lipid and fatty acid from Tetraselmis sp. using ultrasonic extraction at varying time and solvent systems
IG Pahila, RJC Calawigan, NA Toledo, SS Garibay, CN Jimenez, LJ Ami, ...
Advances in Agriculture & Botanics 6 (2), 119-127, 2014
Characterization of the solar drying of Tetraselmis sp. for biofuel production using a laboratory-scale setup and statistical analysis
NSA Lopez, AT Ubando, JBMM Biona, RGR Tan, AB Culaba, SS Garibay, ...
A Taxonomic Investigation of Lyngbya majuscula, a Marine Algae Collected from Miag-ao, Iloilo
P Garibay, Yoshikawa
UPV Journal of Natural Science 12, 93-98, 2007
Morphological Features of Ciguatoxic Dinoflagellates using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)
S Garibay
UPV Journal of Natural Science 4, 10-20, 1999
MC Naorbe, SS Garibay, AE Serrano Jr
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Articles 1–20