Nicholas T. Vandehey
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Dynamic PET denoising with HYPR processing
BT Christian, NT Vandehey, JM Floberg, CA Mistretta
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 51 (7), 1147-1154, 2010
High-Affinity Dopamine D2/D3 PET Radioligands 18F-Fallypride and 11C-FLB457: A Comparison of Kinetics in Extrastriatal Regions Using a Multiple-Injection …
NT Vandehey, JM Moirano, AK Converse, JE Holden, J Mukherjee, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 30 (5), 994-1007, 2010
Quantifying solute spreading and mixing in reservoir rocks using 3-D PET imaging
R Pini, NT Vandehey, J Druhan, JP O’Neil, SM Benson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 796, 558-587, 2016
Imaging and modeling of flow in porous media using clinical nuclear emission tomography systems and computational fluid dynamics
R Boutchko, VL Rayz, NT Vandehey, JP O'Neil, TF Budinger, PS Nico, ...
Journal of applied geophysics 76, 74-81, 2012
Serotonin transporter binding and genotype in the nonhuman primate brain using [C-11] DASB PET
BT Christian, AS Fox, JA Oler, NT Vandehey, D Murali, J Rogers, ...
Neuroimage 47 (4), 1230-1236, 2009
The distribution of D2/D3 receptor binding in the adolescent rhesus monkey using small animal PET imaging
BT Christian, NT Vandehey, AS Fox, D Murali, TR Oakes, AK Converse, ...
Neuroimage 44 (4), 1334-1344, 2009
PET measurement of changes in D2/D3 dopamine receptor binding in a nonhuman primate during chronic deep brain stimulation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
NT Vandehey, PC Garell, JA Hampel, D Murali, EM Smith, R Davidson, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 176 (2), 129-135, 2009
Monitoring Tc Dynamics in a Bioreduced Sediment: An Investigation with Gamma Camera Imaging of 99mTc-Pertechnetate and 99mTc-DTPA
NT Vandehey, JP O’Neil, AJ Slowey, R Boutchko, JL Druhan, WW Moses, ...
Environmental science & technology 46 (22), 12583-12590, 2012
An efficient synthesis of dopamine transporter tracer [18F] FECNT
D Murali, TE Barnhart, NT Vandehey, BT Christian, RJ Nickles, ...
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 72, 128-132, 2013
Capturing [11C] CO2 for use in aqueous applications
NT Vandehey, JP O’Neil
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 90, 74-78, 2014
Performance evaluation of SPECT imaging system for sediment column imaging
NT Vandehey, R Boutchko, JL Druhan, JP O'Neil, PS Nico, AJ Slowey, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (2), 763-767, 2013
Noninvasive mapping of photosynthetic heterogeneity in biological soil crusts by positron emission tomography: carbon fixation
NT Vandehey, TR Northen, EL Brodie, JP O’Neil
Environmental Science & Technology Letters 1 (10), 393-398, 2014
An efficient synthesis of F18-FECNT, a PET tracer for dopamine transporter
D Murali, N Vandehey, B Christian, J Nickles, E Houser, A Converse, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 49 (supplement 1), 288P-288P, 2008
Application of HYPR processing to dynamic PET studies
N Vandehey, C Mistretta, B Christian
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 49 (supplement 1), 388P-388P, 2008
Dynamic Imaging of Fluid Flow in Sandstones by Nuclear Emission Tomography
R Pini, F Hingerl, SM Benson, JL Druhan, NT Vandehey, AT Van Hise, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, H53M-03, 2013
Observing the coupled behavior of geochemistry and flow path evolution during bioreduction using clinical nuclear imaging tomography
JL Druhan, NT Vandehey, R Buchko, JP O'Neil, WW Moses, S Finsterle, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2011, H24A-07, 2011
Considerations in choosing a tracer for measuring extrastriatal dopamine D2/D3 binding
N Vandehey, J Moirano, D Murali, A Converse, J Engle, RJ Nickles, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 50 (supplement 2), 604-604, 2009
A database of D2/D3 receptor binding in the adolescent rhesus monkey
B Christian, D Murali, N Vandehey, A Fox, T Oakes, R Nickles, S Shelton, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 49 (supplement 1), 208P-208P, 2008
Quantification of Single-and Multi-Phase Hydrodynamic Dispersion in Rocks Using Dynamic 3D PET Imaging
R Pini, NT Vandehey, J O'Neil, SM Benson
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H21N-05, 2015
Automated stopcock actuator
NT Vandehey
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Articles 1–20